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"It's been eight years Nandini we are having these steaming love, still you cover yourself with shy? You look cute when you being shy I feel like have you more and more." Manik said while buttoning his shirt
Nandini didn't answer, she turned away and closed eyes,
"Today I have some meeting with Mehtha, after that we both has to attend financial meeting in office, you can take rest till meeting" he tried while tying his shoe lace
Nandini didn't open eyes or said anything, Manik took deep breath he sniffed, it's frustrating irritating and paining. He knows it's all his fault, he made things difficult for her, he made her to loose all her morals he made suffer and suffering but what can he do? He can't even breath without her, those seven months without her are hell, he suffered like anything now he is anxious and scared to loose her again but he knows he lost her already only her body is with him, he lost her soul her heart her smile her everything, she is now just cutputle a dead soul doll.

He is trying and trying from ten days to make her normal atleast talk to him look at him, but he is failing he is loosing hope. He want to give her what she is asking he want but he is incapable to, he is helpless, his face turned hard
"Even your silence your berukhi, your heart broken heart is acceptable but staying away from you is not acceptable, try to accept the truth Nandini please"
"You have family Manik whatever be the reason she is also a girl she is too suffering give her rights and see you may get more love than I gave you go to her I beg you, you are married Manik married to someone else not me"
"I am helpless Nandini I am really without you my breath hitches my heart stops beating I can't even work what to do? I know everything and I want to correct everything, because of my love for father I forced myself to marry her but I couldn't gather myself atleast to look at her, it burns my soul what should I do? I feel peace with you in you" he rubbed his face "it pains me a lot to see you such I want to give you what you are asking but I can't do one thing Nandini kill me"
Nandini closed her mouth to stop her sobbing
"When you left I tried Nandini I tried to let you go and move on but I couldn't gather even at that thought I tried to kill myself but how can I? Leaving thousands of workers you and dad I couldn't, what should I do?" He cried
"Better let me die ... her words were stopped by his mouth, both cried. "I am sorry very sorry Nandini, very very sorry but I can't even do that stay with me like this, I will fucking kill everyone around me if I don't find you for second I love you way too much than I and you expect or think bare me and this life I can't give you any choice" Manik said getting away from her keeping his face hard fist tight jaw clenched
"How? Like a mistress? Or an office slut? Or...
"Don't you dare speak a single word more Nandini, and yes like a slut a mistress and all titles don't judge you nor my love for you nor your character it judges the person character for sure who speak such, get ready and come to meeting soon" he is about to go out
"I am ashamed of myself to walk away from this house outside world is now my war zone I won't come out"
Manik turned back took her arm made her stand "better listen what I say Nandini, you can't bare me I will bring all of them to here this house, how I don't care but meeting happens only with your presence better decide where to happen"
"Why don't you kill me at once" she screamed in anger
"I killed you already Nandini I killed you" he cried "this is just your body so I don't need to care much, I lost your soul long back and I know that no need to rub it on my face every time I am aware of it, I repent too, this word games can't solve anything you better get adjusted to this and you will do all those things which you used to do and have to do"
"You can't bind me like this Manik"
"You tried to runaway could you? No nah then, padaraho souless heartless as I am living remember Nandini we are one soul whatever you are experiencing I too experience hundred times more don't you know how I too suffer and I will suffer? Don't play blind Nandini, you know me better than I know myself so stop this yaar fighting is waste take some rest stop thinking let us go in flow" he kissed her madly "your naked body is tempting me but I have meeting"
"Stay away from my body then don't touch me kiss me, stay away from me I will accept"
Manik smirked "you know me well and you know good, I can stay for life time still I won't let you go, nor I will go somewhere else still you want to try? My answer is no, I won't let you go in anyway you are tempting me better let me have you more" he closed door trying to undress himself "stop it Manik I am not in mood" she gritted teeth
"Let me test you" he removed his dress in zip moment. She is shocked looking at him like some alien "Manik listen you better stop this madness now"
Manik came to her started kissing her with passion "your are my madness Nandini and now I am uncontrollably hard" he didn't leave her, she melted in his warm actions, as always, they made mad love an insane love

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