Star-Crossed Lovers

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Shaline was exhausted. She had been dragged all the way down to some stingy ghost town in the middle of nowhere to solve a mystery, and was completely over it. She loved her gang, and especially her best friend Sooby, but even she needed a break sometimes, and told them to go on without her. 'thank god this shitty town actually has a coffee shop' She thought as she dragged herself into the tiny place.

"well well, what's a pretty little thing like you doing in a such a dump of a town?"Shaline's eyes shot up, and there, right in front of her was the most beautiful woman she had ever laid her eyes upon. She had skin as pink as cotton candy, a mesmerizing glint in her pitch black eyes that seemed to be pinning her down in place, and had the most incredible set of fishnets and boots on- 'wait, fishnets and spiked boots?'Just as Shaline opened her mouth to reply, there was a massive explosion that sounded all across the valley.

 The volcano they had been investigating had exploded! Her thoughts raced around in her head, but before she could even react, she was being pulled harshly back behind the counter. "That explosion is going to cause a huge amount of rubble to crash down into this town, we need to get to the back of the store, we have a bunker and supplies there." The pink star said.Shaline was dragged along with her, turning as red as a beetroot, being stuffed into a tiny bunker with only one bed. "oh, and by the way, since we're going to be stuck together and we're going be sharing the bed, my name is Patrictra"

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