Never meant to be

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Homer got home from his 9-5 at the power plant all exhausted and tired out, he decided to go sit down on his couch when suddenly his doorbell rung, he opened the door and itwas Larry the cucumber."Hey I heard from marge you were sad and exhausted from work so I decided to come over!" Larry exclaimed with a smile on his face, "Thanks Larry, it's just that work has been so tiring for me as of lately, Mr burns has really been on my ass lately" Homer sighed, "Hey I know what can cheer you up!" Larry said happily"I can take you to dinner- Marge doesn't have to know it can be just the two of us" Larry the cucumber winked,"S-sure Larry" Homer blushed "It's a date 7:30 don't be late~"Larry playfully said.

 Hours finally pass and it's 7:30 at the Chinese restaurant Larry discussed to homer, Larry always spoke about that Chinese restaurant. Homer arrived at 7:30 in his best sparkly glamorous red dress but.. Hours pass and Larry never came, maybe it was never meant to be? Maybe homer made a mistake ever giving him a chance. Homer sobbed while running home mascara dripping down his cheeks.. "it was never meant to be" homer cried..

(This is a Joke Chapter)

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