Chapter 3

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I woke up to the glares of the sun shinning in my eyes. I groaned and rolled off the bed and headed to my bathroom. I took a shower and got dressed, I was dressed in a black leggings,a purple crop top and my purple skirt and my white converse

I went downstairs to see my dad sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee.

''Morning Daddy'' I chirped. ''Morning cupcake how are you this morning'' he asked.

''I'm OK you?" I asked. ''I'm fine sweetie'' he answered.

''Honey you sure your OK with this whole marriage thing'' my dad asked.

I frowned at the thought of being married to Jason the devil himself. But when I thought about my dad and how much I love him and that he and my brothers were the only persons I have left since my mom died.

''Yeah dad I'm fine'' I said while smiling.

''Are you sure honey because if your not on with it you can all ways tell me, OK'' my dad said.

''Sure dad I'm fine with it I love you and I would do any thing for you daddy'' I said.

''OK baby as long as your ok with it I'm glad, I can't believe my little baby has grown up so fast'' my dad cooded.

I laughed. ''Dad I'm 20 years old I can take care of my self and put Jason in his place when we get married.'' I said.

''That's my girl independent, controlling and beautiful just like your mom'' my dad said.

I smiled a weak smile when he mentioned my mom. God I miss her. Then my jaw dropped.

''You think I'm controlling'' I gasped.

He looked at me in shock. ''U-mm I mean your- OK yes I think your controlling'' he sighed in defeat.

I huffed. ''OK well bye dad love ya''

''Bye honey'' he said.

I went to the bus stop got a cup of coffee and headed to work.

''Morning Sam'' I chirped. ''Morning Melanie'' I said.

''Go to hell'' she said sounding gloomy.

''Aww did Melanie not get laid last night'' Sam cooded while pushing out pher bottom lip in a pout.

''F*** off'' she screamed and went into the kitchen.

After 45 minutes of work a man dressed in a black suit and dark glasses came in.

''Are you Miss Sarah Lockhart?"he said with his rough and husky voice.

''That's me'' I said. I glanced at Sam and saw her mouth dropped straight to the floor.

''Master Jason Vanderwood would like to have a word with you''

''Nope I don't want to speak to him I hate him'' I screamed.

''Well you leave me no choice'' at that he lift me up and put me in to a black Range Rover. Where I saw Jason spitting staring at me omg he is sooooooooo HOT. Focus Sarah you should be angry at him.

I huffed and turned my head away from him, I heard him sigh.

''C'mon Sarah don't be like that'' he said while touching my arm , I pulled away.

''Please just hear me out'' he said ,I could feel his eyes burning into my back . So I sighed and turned around. ''OK you can explain now''

''I'm really really sorry for the way I treated you at the coffee shop and I will hate my self forever if you don't forgive me pleeaasseeeeeeeeee Sarah'' he begged. Well I guess I can cut the guy some slack.

''Alright fine your forgiven''

''Oh thank you soooo much cupcake''

Cupcake what the hell.

''Cupcake'' I asked puzzled.

''Yup that's my new nick name for you'' he said smiling brightly. And that's to bright for my liking.

''Why cupcake?" I asked.

''I have my reasons'' he said smiling widely again.
He may be sexy but that smile is starting to creep me out.

After 35 minutes of awkward silence we arrived at a big- sorry I mean huge mansion. It has a big garden and a lot more things.

''Wow'' I said.

''Yeah wow'' he said smiling down at me.

''Huh do you love smiling'' I asked.

''I love doing it and it turns the ladies on'' he said smugly with a smirk.

''Whatever'' I mumbled.

He laughed. ''Let's go''

He opened the door and I saw the most beautiful house I have ever seen. Golden tiles, crème staircases, a large diamond chandelier, a kitchen, 5 bathrooms,7 bedrooms, 1 master bedroom, a gym, a living room and a game room. Boys and their toys.

''So you ready?" He asked.

''Yup is this your house?" I asked.

''Yes baby but its our house now'' he said.

Baby what's up with all these nicknames.

I yawned. And he laughed '' Tired?"

''Yeeaahhh'' I said but my words were drawn out because of my yawns.

He laughed .''C'mon''

''Where are we going?" I asked still tired.

''To our room babe'' he said.

''Don't'' I said.

''Don't what?" He asked.

''Don't call me baby or babe'' I said.

He looked hurt and confused. ''Why''

''Because I won't be one of your whores Jason'' I said while lying down on the bed.

Before my eyes closed, I saw him leave the and said ''Sorry I disappointed you Sarah'' and when he shut the door I drifted off to sleep.

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