Chapter 7

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Knock knock

Ugh who the hell would be disturbing my sleep, maybe if I ignore it will go away like when I ignore

Knock knock. What the bloody hell. I groaned and shouted'' WHAT''.

''Um can I come in'' the voice asked asked.

''Are you a serial killer? are you here to kill me?"I asked.

The voice laughed. ''No I'm not''

''OK come in'' I my voice was still hoarse.

The door opened revealing a woman in her mid 20's she looked just like Jason.

''Hi''. She said while smiling

''Hi'' I said returning her smile.

''I'm Jhena Vanderwood I'm Jason's twin sister''

Jason had a twin sister huh didn't know.

''Um twins like identical twins'' I asked


''Huh no wonder you too look alike''

She laughed. ''And you must be the famous Sarah Lockhart who my brother can't seem to shut up about''

''Yup that's me''

''So where's Jason"? I asked.

''Um he left for work'' she said.


''Soooooo'' she drawled out.

''Soo.......'' I asked raising my eye brows at her what the hell was she up to.

''I heard that you work at a coffee shop and...'' She said.


''And I was wondering if I could work with you''

I was shocked. ''Really''

''Yes please please please say yes I've always wanted to work in a coffee shop please''

''OK'' I said.

I got ready, ate breakfast and went to work with Jhena.


''Who's she?''Jhena asked.

''She's my best friend her name is Carly''


''Ok OK calm your tits I'm coming'' I shouted back.

I explained the whole story to Carly about Jason and introduced her to Jhena.


Work was sooooooo BORING, sitting around the counter doing a puzzle when I heard a voice that I really didn't want to hear.

''It's surely nice to see you again love'' the voice said in a British accent.

''What are doing here Mason'' my tone cold.

''Aww babe you don't sound too happy, what aren't you happy to see me love?'' He asked.

''Jason stop calling me that were not together anymore'' I said.

'''Since when?" That jackass.

''Since you broke up with me a year ago cause I didn't want yo have sex with you''

''Oh fell I never hurt you Sarah.'' He said like he fucking cared.

''Are you fucking delusional you always beat me and call me bad names and yet you say you didn't hurt me''

''Your just a fucking bitch'' he shouted at me but luckily no one was in the shop but me cause Carly and Jhena went shopping for my engagement party.

''Mason just please leave me alone''

''So I heard your getting married to the multi billionaire Jason Vanderwood'' he scowled when he said Jason's name.

''Yes I am''

''Well your still the slut you were in collage''

''Shut up''

''What the fuck did you just say to me?" He said dragging my hair.

I cried out in pain. ''Nothing I'm sorry I said nothing''

''Good now I'll see you around love'' he said while leaving.

I cried out and slid down the wall crying out. Suddenly the shop's door opened.

''Omg that was amazing I can wait to show Sarah the dresses we bought for the party'' Jhena said.

''Me too''

''Speaking of Sarah where is she''

''Idk'' Carly said. ''SARAH'' she shouted.

I responded by wailing. They ran around the counter and saw me on the floor.

''Omg Sarah are you ok''Jhena asked. I shook my head. My anxiety was getting the best of me.

''Oh my gosh Carly why is she breathing so hard''

''She has anxiety''

''Oh I'm gonna call Jason as we carry her home'' Jhena said.

Carly nodded. They carried me home and I changed in to my pj's, and I told them what happened.

''Do you feel any better now?" Jhena asked.

''Yeah a little'' just as I said that Jason barged into the room.

''Is she ok?" He akse worriedly.

''I think we should give you two some time to talk.'' Carly said while dragging Jena with her. Oh how I love my best friends.

''What's wrong baby are you OK?" He asked while engulfing me into a hug. I cried into his shirt.

''H-h-h-e-e- w-w-a-s-s t-h-ere'' I stammered.

''Hey shh take your time who was there baby''

''M-as-s-s-son'' I sobbed.'' I was sooo scared.''

''Its OK baby I'm not gonna let him hurt you again I promise'' he said.

I was falling a sleep when I felt Jason getting up.

''Jason don't go''

''Baby I'm so sorry I have to go back to work I'll see you when I come back home Ok'' he said.

''OK'' I said feeing sleepy but I felt him and kiss my cheek and shut the door.

I think I'm falling deeply in love with Jason Vanderwood.

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