XI. Accompany me?

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The following day I spent the majority of it teaching and getting the know my students through play. Some of which were the children Copia and I were playing with the day before.
Dinner time came and went, I stayed in my room reading up on and studying the ways and customs of this place. I wanted to impress the Cardinal, why was I so eager for his approval?

I was eager for his approval but finding out that the family still hated me was enough to make me debate whether or not I wanted to stay here.
I wanted to be here for him...but, I can't.

In the middle of my study, a knock at my door sounded, startling me. It was almost 2am, who could be looking for me at this time of night?
I got up to answer the door to see two ghouls standing there with a few parcels for me, assuming they are all clothes.
"I'm Cirrus..."
"And I'm Cumulus"
They spoke...they spoke!
I smiled at them and nodded "Pleased to meet you, I'm Lillith"
They handed me the parcels and promptly left.
I sat them on my bed, eager to see what was inside.
The first parcel was a long black dress. It looked like a lace detailed mermaid wedding dress only in black.
The second parcel was a pair of high, black sparkly stilettos.
Once again they were accompanied by a note from Cardinal saying that he had picked this outfit for the Papal inauguration specifically for me. It was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life.
Does the new Papa pick what everyone else wears? Why just me?

The other parcels consisted of black dresses, pyjamas and lingerie. Looking at the lingerie freaked me out a little so I set it aside...I'll get to it eventually.
I put on the same pyjamas as the night before as they were much more modest but...
I looked back at the lingerie and thought about it. Lucifer did tell me to loosen up and enjoy myself so why not...
I lifted the sheer black bodysuit and put it on, suddenly feeling empowered. I let my hair down and looked at myself in the mirror. It was missing something.
I put on my high heeled leather boots and the black, sheer floor length robe.
That's so much better. This was a feeling I've never had before, I was so much prettier than I was led to believe.

Another knock at the door sounded throughout the room. I couldn't answer it like this, I also couldn't leave them waiting.
I opened the door and hid behind it with just my face peering out.
Terzo...what are you doing at my door at 2am?!

"Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while so I thought I'd check in..."

"At 2am? Are you insane?"
Terzo raised his brows and looked at me hiding behind the door.
"You're a floating head...and I'm insane?"

"Well I can't let you see me"

"Why not? I've seen you before. You're a precious little thing, so modest and pure"
Terzo mocked me as he curtseyed, mimicking me.
"Yeah...about that...you cant tell anyone!"

"There's nothing to tell..."
"Oh don't be a shit!"
I scrunched my face, closed my eyes and wiggled the door open a little bit to let him in.

Closing the door, I opened my eyes and looked up at him. His lips parted, eyes fixated on me; rendered utterly speechless.

"I told you..."
Terzo approached me, sliding one hand down my waist and resting on my hip, he kept enough space between us so he could continue admiring.
"You were previously undressing me with your eyes...I guess you got what you wanted"
Great. I was turning into the whore of Babylon. A sinner and...it felt...empowering.

He closed the gap between us and placed his other hand on my hip, now flush against him I draped my arms over his shoulders.
As Terzo slowly danced with me, I followed suit.
"Have you been given a name yet?"
I nodded and smiled at him.
"I have...Lillith..."
A smirk appeared on his face as he pulled me flush against him and whispered in my ear.
"Succubus...you're no angel anymore. I like it"
His warm breath brushed against my ear and my breath hitched. I had no idea what to do, I didn't want to be in a compromising situation with him. Inexperienced and uneducated, I loosened my grip on his shoulders and sighed before backing away.
Terzo let go of me and shrugged.
"As much as I want to have you...you're not mine to have, I know we give Copia a hard time but he will be a great Papa, especially with you by his side"
He fixed his jacket and gave me a reassuring smile.
"Don't tell him I said that, and besides if things don't work out, you know where I am...but that's not what I'm here to discuss.
I furrowed my brows and leaned against the bed frame.
"So why are you here?"
He started to seem awkward, he fiddled with the sleeve of his jacket and refused to look at me straight in my face.
"I'd watch my back if I were you..."
I threw him a confused look as he backed off towards the door.
"What do you mean?"
The atmosphere started to become much more sinister and suspicious.
"I mean...Nihil, Primo and Secondo are planning on um...getting rid of you..."
Getting rid of me?!
"You couldn't have used a better term?"
He shrugged awkwardly as he opened the door "just...be careful..."
And with that he closed the door and left.

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