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\\ finney's pov \\

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i start walking toward the double doors to leave the school building, the soles of my shoes thudding against the ground quickly as i fast-walk. i'm late to meeting up with my best friend, robin. i should be helping him with math right now at his house because mr. gonzalez talks to fast, but instead i just happened to get after-school detention for an hour. what happened is, someone was talking bad about my sister, gwen, and i may or may not have slapped him.

i was told by ms. andre that gwen had already left so i didn't have to worry about her being alone on the walk to my dreadful house, i say it's dreadful because my dad is nothing more than a horse's ass, he's a drunk and me and gwen both don't feel safe walking home after what happened last time. i don't want to get into it. my walking pace gets faster after i push open the door quickly, i start running to robin's house since it's only a block from the school, on the walk to school this morning i told gwen that i was helping robin study tonight so she should be at amy's house right now.

amy is bruce's sister, and bruce is one of my friends. i don't know amy that well but i do know bruce so gwen should be okay over there, she would normally go over to suzie's but suzie and her apparently aren't friends anymore, i asked gwen about it and all i got out of her was ' she didn't feel the same, and she hates me '  so i don't know anymore. she seemed really upset about it though. i turn the corner, running alongside the poster-covered gate, i'm glad that it's not covered in missing posters like it used to be. ever since i got out of that hellhole of a basement after killing that maniac, no one has been kidnapped or murdered.

i start to slow down once i recognize the faded gray painted house with ' arellano ' painted on the mailbox. i stop running once i get to the mailbox to catch my breath, then i start walking up to the front door, me and robin have been.. i don't know.. closer? it's complicated and i don't know how to explain it but once i stop thinking i knock on the door, as soon as i do i hear a muffled " be right there !! "  and some running footsteps toward the door. once the wooden door opens i'm greeted with robin wearing his normal green bandana, and the silver necklace his dad gave him before he went to war.

" hey ! took you long enough, you alright ? " robin says, " oh yeah i'm okay, i got detention for an hour for hitting someone, then i ran all the way over here from the school. " i explain as he invites me into the house, " damn, you hit someone ? what did they do ? " he asks " oh just some asshole in class talking shit about gwen. " i answer like it's nothing but apparently to robin it's everything because he starts smiling so hard it's contagious, " i think your starting to rub off on me, robin " i say with a smirk as i head down the hallway to his room with him following behind me, " you say it like it's a bad thing, finneyyyy " robin teases, "shut up you prick, and don't call me finney "

" whatever you say, finney " he says, messing with me some more, " if you call me finney one more time i'm not watching any horror movies with you for a week, and i'm gonna ignore your notes in class " i say as i turn around to look at him, with a fake gasp he says " you wouldn't !! "  as i turn around and start walking into his bedroom i say " i definitely would " once i walk in there i throw my brown bag full of study books and school supplies in it on the bed, and after a minute robin walks in the door frame, " hey what's up ? you okay ? " i ask, concerned because of the look on his face, he looks upset. " just got a call from my mom, she's working another night shift.. " he says, with his head down. " hey, look at me, it's gonna be okay, do you want me to spend the night tonight ? "

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