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[A/N: I made a few changes in here so feel free to reread those who have read this one already. And for those who haven't, enjoy the chapter as it is. 😊]

Chapter 15: Order and Chaos

"SILENCE! Silence in the court!"

In the middle of the court room, a familiar female surgeon was seen standing in front of the honorable judge. The woman was currently in chains, with a soldier on each side to guard her.

The judge for this trial was the blue caterpillar with a hookah. The same caterpillar Park Hanbyeol was looking for the first time she arrived in this place. The said creature was currently wearing spectacles, a black robe, and a white (powdered?) wig that had lots of ringlets on top of its head. Park Hanbyeol didn't know what it was exactly called as she had never paid attention to it considering that it had no use to her profession at all.

On her left was the King and Queen of Hearts sitting regally on their throne, with the latter glaring furiously at her chained figure. The Queen was wearing a crimson red Victorian-style dress adorned with silks and laces in the shade of sunshine gold. A golden tiara was placed atop her auburn head, studded with rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. On the other hand, the King was donning a luxurious garb made of the finest silk, and a crown made also from real gold and embedded with precious jewels.

But what caught the surgeon's eye was the sword hanging on the King's belt, as it was the only accessory he possessed that wasn't made of gold. In other words, it was the only one that didn't look gaudy. The sword's hilt was made of silver, and perhaps the blade too. Park Hanbyeol could not tell for sure, for at this moment the sword was currently being kept inside its sheath which appeared to be made from some kind of black leather.

Moving on. On the surgeon's right side was the jury box being occupied by twelve different creatures (yes, creatures, as some of them were four-legged animals and the rest were birds,). These twelve shall play the role of "jurymen" for today's trial.

At this moment, the twelve jurymen were all writing very busily on their slates even though the trial hadn't even started yet. Park Hanbyeol already guessed that they were putting down their names lest they forget them at the end of the trial. Seriously. How stupid.

To be honest, this gorgeous female doctor of yours had never been in a court of justice before. There was never a chance for her to attend one despite having morals that were sometimes considered questionable. She might be crazy, but she wasn't insane enough to send herself to jail where she would be forced to eat beans every day.

Currently, the Caterpillar and Park Hanbyeol looked at each other for a good minute in silence. The two were locked in a staring contest and nobody was sane enough to disturb them. But thankfully, not for long, the Caterpillar finally took the hookah out of its mouth, and it addressed the ravenette in a languid voice.

"Who are you?"

"Park Hanbyeol." The surgeon answered politely. "I'm a doctor. A heart surgeon, to be precise. You see, I'm not supposed to be here, Your Honor."

"I don't see," replied the Caterpillar.

[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is laughing his ass off.]

[The constellation 'Prisoner of the Golden Headband' is trying hard to cover his mouth in order to stifle his laughter.]

[The constellation 'Secretive Plotter' wears a deadpan expression.]

[The constellation 'Demon-like Judge of Fire' is smiling sheepishly.]

Park Hanbyeol felt her eye twitch. This pest was being sarcastic, right?

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