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the whole class looked at eachother with a frown for a minute. before they look back at the principal, non of them raise their hand.

the principal smile at the answer he gotten.

"um....principal nezu what about the pro heroes? do they came with us? or not?"
some one in the class ask, nezu smile wider.

"yes, there will have some of the pro coming with you, for a safe trip of course."
he answer as the student feels alot more at ease when they heard the answer.

after some question there was a sound of someone knocking on the classroom door.

"ah...mr aizawa you can come in"
the principal smiled brighter as he sees aizawa open the door with someone follow him in.

aizawa, endeavor, present mic, and lastly all might now, in front of the student four pro heroes was standing in front of them with a dead serious expression.

their faces was actually saying it all why are we doing this anyway? is nezu serious? it seems like the pro heroes actually know abou the trip and they must've talk about it before.

and the pro don't really agreed with the field trip to yokohama
but they can't go back now, they have to go.

"principal nezu, how many days do we have to be in yokohama?"
denki raise his hand asking his dear principal.

"three weeks in total" he stated with his bright smile checking his watch.

"ah....it's time to study student, please get in your seat" after that endeavor, all might and present mic
walk out off the class saying their good bye and they start studying.


yesterday in the meeting room

"what?! taking the student to a field trip in yokohama!? are you crazy nezu!?"
aizawa shouted looking at nezu with a frown, it goes the same for the other pro heroes in the room.

"yes....i think i might have gone crazy...but the goverment gave the offer to us, saying it'll be a good expreriance for the kids"

nezu smile is no where to be seen on his faces
the pro heroes in the room tense up.

criminals country yokohama, is a very dangerous country with the highest criminals ranking, not even a single soul wanted to go there
not even a villain, or the number one hero can came out alive.

the thing they have to be worried about is the port mafia, they are the world most dangerous mafia. there's still some debate on whether they are or not villains though.

no one knows how many of them is in yokohama, but they are very strong. stronger then all for one that's why the pro can't do any thing about them.

nezu want to aceept the offer, but as a principal he should ask the pros if they should aceept it or not.

so he decided to ask the pros, and convince them to aceept it.

"this is crazy! don't you know that yokohama has a high ciminal rate?! it'll be too risky!"
aizawa frown, he was mad because nezu actually consider it and it was his student 1-A class, who knows what would happened if they aceept the offer
the villain wants them.

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