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From the moment I was born, Amor Navarette was destined to be my husband and I was destined to be his wife.

Our dads are best friends, but that isn't why we were destined to be married. While our dads were so close, they wanted something else to tie them together. Something that will bring both of their filthy rich empires together for eternity. Marriage. 

I grew up with Amor, I was in love with him. He was my first love, Mon Amor


I run and tackle Amor to the floor, "Don't leave me, Amor!" I whine. "I'll be back by the end of summer, butterfly," he mutters underneath me, Amor is leaving for Spain. This is my first summer without him, "I'm going to miss you," I get off him. We are standing face to face, eye to eye and then, "Amor! Let's go!" His father yells. I grab Amor's face and leave a kiss on his cheek before he goes, "Come back to me, Mon amor."

End of Flashback

That summer, the summer before high school was the last time he spoke to me. Something changed in him, something switched. He became so full of hate, ironic isn't it? Someone whose name means love is hateful.

"Amira," A voice sends me back to reality. "Yes, Maria?" I turn around, "your father needs you in his office." Her eyes told me everything I needed to know, it's happening.

My steps echo and fill up the atmosphere, my heart beats a little faster with every step I take. My arms hesitates with opening the door, unsure if I'm ready for this or not. I open the door slowly, listening to it creaking. I walk in, and there he is. His green eyes meet mine, I can't help but stare at him. No matter how much I hate him, he still is devilishly beautiful.

"Hi," the word escapes my mouth, he stares at me blankly. I turn to face my dad and Peter Navarette. "I'm sure you already know why you are here, princess," My dad smiles at me, "Peter and I will leave you two to talk. We'll be back." They stand up and leave the office.

"Tell him you don't want this arranged marriage." Those eight words are the first words he has uttered to me in 4 years. I turn to face him, I'm angry. I'm angry at him, I'm angry that those words are the first thing he says to me after 4 years of complete silence, I'm angry at him for shutting me out, I'm angry at him for leaving me. "No," is all that comes out of my mouth, he stands and towers over me, "what did you say?" I take a step back, "I said no." I can't lie and say I'm not afraid. "Go out right now and tell your dad that you don't want this," his eyes are full of rage, "if you don't, I will burn you to the ground, Allister." Allister? I feel a sharp knife stab my heart, what happened to butterfly? "No," I stand my ground, "for your father's and my father's empires' sake. No." He smiles, "you just started a war, Allister. And you'll end up begging for mercy because of it."


"Amor?" I hear my mother's voice behind the door, "come in, ma." Justine Navarette is the wisest person you will ever meet, and I am lucky enough to call her my mother. "My sweet Amor, oh how you've grown," she smiles, "and you're marrying your soulmate." Her eyes light up, "she isn't my soulmate," The light is my mother's eyes fade away. "Amor, I don't know what has gotten into you," she stands up, "ever since Spain, you haven't been the same towards her." She points her finger at me, "and you ended up hurting her over and over again because of it." She's mad at me? She should be mad at Allister. She turned me into this, her. All fucking her. "Be careful, Amor. She might leave your life forever if you keep this up."

She might leave your life forever if you keep this up.

She might leave my life forever if I keep this up.

Why does this hurt?

Stupid fucking head. Shut the fuck up.

I hate her

I loathe her fucking existence

I look out my window and look at her and I see him. She's all over him. His filthy hands are wrapping around her waist. She then gets into his car and they drove away. Absolutely not, not under my fucking watch.

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