🐺Ice Pick🧛‍♀️

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A week later

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A week later.

Dylan was in gym class, watching everyone climb the rock climbing wall, while Lily took a sick day to help their parents get Isaac adjusted to his new life.

Dylan was in gym class, watching everyone climb the rock climbing wall, while Lily took a sick day to help their parents get Isaac adjusted to his new life

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He compelled Coach Finstock to let him sit out and just watch.

He enjoyed watching people fail and be in pain.

Scott then fell, landing on the mat, groaning in pain, making everyone laugh as Coach leaned down beside him.
"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy" He taunts the teen before standing back up.
"All right, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go!" He yells, making everyone look at the timid blonde.

Dylan looked at Erica with sympathy.

He kinda knew her, they shared a couple of classes together, shared brief conversations and he knew she had a crush on him and looking passed her frizzy, untidy hair and bad acne breakout, he thought she was kinda cute.

He watched her closely as she did her best to climb the wall, but her fear made her freeze as she started shaking.
"Erica? You ok? Dizzy? Vertigo?" Coach asks her, noticing she stopped climbing as Dylan now stood beside him, looking up at the blonde.
"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out" Lydia explains, apathetically, making Dylan send her a quick glare, before looking back at Erica with concern.
"Erica!" Coach called, starting to worry as the girl still hadn't moved.
"I'm fine" She called back, but she obviously wasn't fine.
"Coach, it's not safe. You know she's epileptic" Dylan advised Finstock.
"Why the hell doesn't anyone tell me these things? Erica, you're good. Push off I'll ease you down" Coach tells the terrified girl, but she didn't move.
"Erica, it's Dylan. I'm here. I'll make sure you don't get hurt" Dylan assures her, helping her feel better as she finally, let the wall go and Coach eased her down, until she touched the mat.

Dylan helped her out of the harness as she avoided eye contact with him, too embarrassed to look at him.
"That's it, Erica. Shake it off" Coach tells her.

Erica then left the gym, feeling humiliated as people laughed at her, making Dylan's blood boil.
"Hey! You want something to laugh at?! How funny would it be if I showed each and every one of you the inside of your asses?!" He roars, making everyone shut up in fear of the Hale boy's threat.

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