Alexis' POV

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Its monday afternoon. I'm alone in my room, laying on my bed starting at my ceiling. I had heard soft thunder when walking home from school. Yeah, my stupid school. Where I am a nobody. I am a "weirdo". Like what crap is that honestly? Are we stuck in 3rd grade? I apologize, i think of the most random things while in my room. You know one time I imagined i was walking home and I- no wait you wouldn't care about that. You want to get to know me right? I'll do that then.

My name is Alexis Pouner. I'm a senior and I've never been popular or had friends. I live with my lonely mom because my dad went missing a couple years back and she's never gotten into another relationship. Do I miss my dad? Not really, he was awkward and so controlling. I mean of course I'm sad if he's dead but I'm pretty sure he just left us because my mom's a mental wreck from her own trauma as a kid. Basically, I'm this loner who's emo without the makeup and style.

My mom's pretty religious. Regular old country women go to church around twice a week but my mom goes a  minimum of 4 times. Sometimes everyday. I only go with her on Sundays because from what I've heard God only rested one day. So shouldn't I copy his example and not embarrass myself? Clearly I'm not good at socializing or reading my Bible but I am good at talking with my cat. His name is Obby. He's the best cat I've ever seen. He's your typical Tabby. His favorite toy is this mouse I got him as a kitten that always runs out of batteries and he has this red-orange collar with a black bell. It's my favorite sound. My kitty's little bell. I got Obby when I was 13. The same year my dad went missing. He was there to comfort me after being questioned for hours. Only Obby's seen that side of me. Although, he must think me as crazy as mom.

Mom gets home from work, makes me a sandwich or leaves me some cash for Doordash, usually $20 for dinner, and goes to bed. We don't really talk. I usually just walk to my favorite coffee shop, Bead Bread. The place is quiet, still, the music playing softly like an echo in a dream. The lights are dim as if there was fog inside. Its definitely my vibe.

I got hungry so I went over to Bead Bread and sat down. "Hey" I hear behind me. "There are no seats left anywhere, is this seat taken?" It's a guy. Young, rough voice. I cannot see what he looks like exactly because of the lighting and his mask. Although he sounds cool I guess, "sure." I say.  I can feel him staring at me.

"Full house. Are you a reg here?" He says, enthusiastic to start a conversation. As you already know I'm not good with people, hence the reason I have no friends. "Oh come on, I know you hear me. I'm Sam, nice to meet you." He shrugs. He sits down and pulls down his mask as the lighting got brighter. He's angelic. Sharp nose, Honey-like skin, lips the color of a light pink rose, his eyes, intense, a mystical green. How could someone this good looking approach me? "So why is it that you don't talk, huh? You know I used to be like you" He whispered leading towards me over the table.

"I- I don't really talk to people.. sorry" He leaded back and smirked. "Ah, so you're on your own." How did he realize? Was he actually like me at one point or does he just want to toy with me? I was so nervous, my hand under the table fidgeting. I was halfway done with my burger so i could just leave, i was still hungry.
"Alright well Ms?". 
I hesitated, "...A- Al- Alexis"
"Ms. Alexis, love, now that i know your name, how can I not be your friend? You haven't even finished your burger. How about we take it to go and I walk you home?" He still fully suggested.

I felt this urge, what if he's a creep!
"NO" I yelled standing up "Just stop. I don't like you just like i don't like anyone, just pl..please just leave me alone." My eyes got watery and i left the place running. For 30 minutes i didn't stop. I kept running, running as if i were being chased. Maybe i was going mad or just maybe this is a defensive mechanism of being alone for most of my life. I got home and i ran looking for Obby. I picked him up in tears, hyperventilating and ran towards my room. I didn't move from my bed for 3 days. I had to leave the door open for the delivery guys to come up to my room and hand me my food. I felt frozen still. Obby only left my side to use the litter box and eat. I love him so.

My mom had already left for work when I hear a knock at the door. Weird, was my first thought. We don't have friends or relatives we speak to. Our neighbors are all elderly and very closed in. I guess our whole street was built for us loners. I ignored it and fell asleep.

I got that same knock at 5:00pm for 4 consecutive days. The fifth, I decided to get up and see how it was. The moment i got up i felt nauseated and about to faint. But if this person kept knocking on my door repeatedly at the same time everyday, there must be something going on. I was dazy, i could barley walk down the stairs. I reached the long foyer and hoped that it wouldn't be someone i knew at the door, hoping they left before I got there. I could feel the dust around me. Mom hasn't cleaned. I usually clean but I can't in this condition. I am still in shock because i yelled at someone who clearly wanted to be with me. My foot steps feel loud in such an empty house. One foot forward and then other, as if i were just learning how to walk. I finally reached the door and peaked through the small window on the side. It was a tall man with a raincoat walking away, probably giving up hope about coming again tomorrow and getting no answer. Something in me told me to open that door, so i did.

"HELLO!" I yelled hoping this man would hear me.
He turned around rapidly. I froze, my body trembling. He took off the hoodie part of his raincoat and said with a big smile from side to side, "Ms. Alexis! you're ok thank god." As he ran to hug me, I bursted into tears.
"W- why are you here. You should hate me for what I said. I'm so sorry." said I as I hugged him tighter.
"Aw, nothing you could ever say or do could make me hate you. But i apologize for not recognizing your boundaries. If you're up for it, would you like to come with me to Bead Bread and have whatever you're craving, on me?" He said, holding my waist with both hands.         
I nodded yes over and over, with my face still on his raincoat. I looked up from his chest and there he was with a beautiful sparkle in his eye and that big smile. I'm not a romantic, I never have been, but I wanted to kiss him with all of my being. Never have a met someone who genuinely cared for me this much. 

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