Chapter Four | Lounging

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The next morning

"Hey, Y/n?"

I turn around from chatting with Midnight, to be greeted with a very confused Aizawa.

"What's up Aizawa?" I ask, furrowing my brows at his confusion.

"Why're the kids writing an apology letter to you and All Might? Full page—and why is each student submitting two papers..?"Aizawa asks, flipping through them.

"Good you asked. They got a punishment from me," I say, drinking my tea calmly.

"At this point, I'm not surprised that they got a punishment. What did they do," Aizawa grumbles, setting the stack on my desk and sitting on the couch next to me.

"Me and All Might were having a private conversation, and the students thought it a good idea to eavesdrop and cook up their own theories. I pardoned them the first time—"

"You pardoned them and they still went back to eavesdropping..? If I had known earlier, I would have made them run 25 laps around the court this morning," Aizawa sighed, leaning back on the couch looking up at the ceiling.

"What did they think anyways? I mean-about you and All Might," Midnight asks, leaning in on the conversation, interested.

I choke on my tea. "T—they uhh...thought me and All Might were going to—you know, in the room. Then they thought we were planning a date." I fake cough in an sad attempt to try and hide my blush.

"Some nerves of those kids. Good thing I don't teach that class early in the morning. I would've lost it by now." Midnight sighs in relief about her late in the afternoon teaching.

"Well, it's whatever. They got what they deserved. I did manage to get a decent lesson out of going to the gym, though. They all l saw things differently after that," I say, proudly.

"Is that pride I see? Looks like someone turned a new cheek and actually enjoys teaching, "snotty teenage kids"," Midnight teases, her and Aizawa laughing.

"But why does Bakugo only have one apology letter? Aizawa asks, confused.

"Oh, Bakugo only needed one because he was the only one who didn't eavesdrop. He only has one for giving attitude, and what his lesson was from sparring with me. He was still on the ground after I slammed him-didn't even move a muscle." Midnight and Aizawa's eyes lit up.

"You slammed the anger issues kid-Bakugo-into the ground..?" Midnight repeats, bewildered.

"I don't tolerate attitude—and that's exactly what he gave me. As a teacher, it is my job to shape these kids into suitable heroes for the fast approaching society ahead of them, waiting to tear them apart."

"Wow. I didn't know you'd be such an elite teacher in just the span of one day." Midnight gives two thumbs up, before leaving to go back to her desk, still conversing with us.

"Oh—Midoriya shouldn't have written one either. He was trying to see if Bakugo was okay, but Bakugo just kept threatening the poor boy," I sigh. "Todoroki and Ida too. He was just in his own world."

"Yep, that's Bakugo and Midoriya's relationship for ya. Always on end and violent. I don't get how those two were even "childhood friends", to begin with," Aizawa says, putting eye drops in his eye.

"Why are you putting eye drops in your eye? You didn't even spar today," I point out, confused.

"As a respected hero, I will not allow them to get off scotch free. And you used to take care of me. I can at least find ways to repay you by getting the kids to respect you like I did, and still do," Aizawa says, avoiding eye contact with us.

"Wait—you used to take care of the Shota Aizawa?! When and how did you start doing that?!" Midnight yells, yet again distracted from her work.

"I used to watch him since he was a baby. It really wasn't that long since I last took care of you, now that I think about it. What're you? 28? That was 10 years ago..." I say.

"TEN YEARS AGO?! You took care of Aizawa since he was a baby.?!" Midnight's eyes were practically out of her sockets.

"Well, not a baby. I did watch him often when he was, though. Then when he got a bit older, I took on babysitting and stuff like that," I elaborated, shrugging my shoulders.

"Why did you take care of him?" Midnight asks, enveloped in the newly found information, like a toddler being told a bedtime story.

I look at Aizawa, knowing it was a sensitive topic for him even till now.

"Is it okay for me to tell her..?" I ask, whispering to Aizawa.

"Yeah, it's fine. I don't mind," He whispers back, going back to looking up at the ceiling.

I nod my head, turning back to look at Midnight, pausing for a bit so that I can summarize in a way that doesn't give away too much.

"His parents weren't really great, so I took care of him, since I was capable and old enough to. He was a baby, and I, at the time, was a paid sidekick of Best Jeanist. And because our families knew each other so well—I thought I'd offer to take care of him. Basically raised him—"

"Correction; you did raise me. And for that, I will forever be in your debt and grateful towards you." Aizawa says, his tone sincere and serious, looking down to face me.

I blush at his words, choking on air as I try to compose myself, and continue with the explanation, staring ahead of me as I try to avoid his gaze.

"When he was 18, it was time to let him become an independent adult. I didn't kick him out, I more so guided him towards the path of adulthood. And plus, I was in my prime, so I had a life to live too—I was also on my own at the age of 18, so I thought 18 was the "golden age"."

"He had already been accepted into U.A and was a third year when he then got into work studies, making him realize the responsibility of managing time and being responsible with money."

I stop talking when I hear sniffling, me and Aizawa turning around to see a crying Midnight, blowing her nose like crazy.

"Aww...what a cute story. I didn't know you had to go through all that Aizawa. I'm sorry to hear that." Midnight says, blowing her nose into a tissue, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.

Aizawa rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed about someone crying about his childhood. "Don't be sorry, you had nothing to do with it—it's not your fault."

After a awkward couple of minutes, I walk out of the teacher's lounge, Aizawa following behind.

"Where are you going Aizawa?" I ask, facing him.

"I'm going to the classroom with you, of course. I wasn't lying when I said I'll will teach those punks a lesson," Aizawa says, looking sternly ahead of him.

I couldn't help but smile at his words, seeing the type of man he's become with my help. Though, he could work on his social side. Nonetheless, I was proud of him for coming so far in life.

"Thank you Aizawa." I say softly, smiling at him, him returning one to me before sliding open the classroom door to 1A.

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