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Almani and Azari were out near the forest helping Noland collect a plant he needed to cure the people of Shandia.

"What do you think of that man, Azari?"

Chirp! Chirp!

"You don't like him much, huh?" She asked, "I guess it's understandable. He did nearly kill Noland."

Almani sighed heavily after failing to find the herb Noland wanted. She decided to head back to Noland and that was when the ground began to shake.

"An earthquake?!"

She saw trees falling towards her. Azari shielded her with her giant wings. Almani let out a gasp.

"Azari! Noland is still on the north side of the forest! We have to go check on him!''


Almani ran straight ahead, jumping and skipping over trees and rubble. She saw a glimpse of Kalgara passing by her through the trees.

'This bastard! He's gonna kill Noland!'

Almani jumoed on Azari's back as she ran towards Kalgara. He was fast. By the time they arrived, Kalgara made fun of Noland's current state.

"It looks like you were hammered to the ground by the God!!!" He shouted.

"Hah... Really? That was God? That wasn't very powerful.. it was only able to take down one man... hah..."

"Stubborn, aren't you?"

"What are you doing here?" Asked Noland clearly frustrated.

"I came here to kill you, so I can appease the God. Why else do you think the earthquake happened?" said Kalgara with a smug face.

"God? Kashi? That snake? Causing an earthquake?! All it can do was eat the people you send into it's mouth!" Shouted Noland.

"Shut up!!"

" Evil bastard, go away! I don't want to see your face. I have to hurry back to the village."

"Oh really? Farewell then."


"Oh, cut the shit already.."

They turned to see Almani. She walked towards Kalgara.

"If you aren't going to help him, then go back to your village.." she said as she pushed Kalagra to a side.

"Why is it that you still assist him?" He asked as she used her powers to break the earth and help Noland up to his feet.

"You wanna know why?"

She walked up to him and looked at him dead in the eyes.

"He was the only person who has helped me when I was at my weakest. He was there for me when we were just children. If you think I would just abandon my friend over a stupid title then you're mistaken," she said sternly.

They both looked each other in their eyes for what seemed to be hours. Almani scoffed.

"Idiot... let's go, Noland. I'm tired of looking at this asshole..." she said.

"Er, right."

Kalgara watched as Noland and Almani and her dragon leave him alone. Was he certain that she was a goddess? Of course, he may be a fearless warrior, but she scares him the most.







Almani walked around seeing the villagers with happy faces all around. It came to a shock when Kalgara burst into tears. She felt something inside her. Was it relief? Sadness? She wasn't sure.

As she began to walk away, Kalgara walked towards her.

"Moon Goddess!"

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that?" She asked as she turned to face him.

"I.. yes, I... I wanted to thank you and your friend for helping our village. I... I thought that if we worshipped the gods then all of this would go away.."

"Us humans evolve in different ways. It's hard to understand at first but you'll grow used to it,'' she said.

"Join me for a walk. I... I want to get to know more about you.."

She looked stunned but agreed to take a walk with him. The arrived to the grassland on the island. The view was just beautiful. Almani's eyes widened as she looked at the full moon in the sky. Fireflies surrounded her and Kalgara as they walked deeper in the land.

"What is it that you wish to know about me?" She asked after picking a few flowers off the ground.


"You aren't being specific," she said unamused.

She looked at him sitting down and patted the ground next to her. She sat down a few inches away from him.

"Why do you make me feel this way?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused about his question.

"When I first saw you protecting your friend, I was intimidated by you, but it later turned into... this.. this feeling of wanting.." he said. He turned to look at her blue eyes, "Why do I feel like this?

She sighed heavily.

"Many people have fallen for me before even after I lost my husband and children a few years ago, I never wanted to get with anyone. You have a wife and a daughter and a village to protect, I am not worth your time.." she said softly.

"You are worth my time. You are a powerful human, a goddess! I would leave that all behind just for you and protect you!" He said sternly.

"Protect me? I can protect myself just fine! What don't you understand?! You will break your wife and daughters heart for doing this to them! It won't be fair for anyone!! It's better to forget that I even exist!" She shouted.

"Why would I want to do such a thing?!" He grabbed her hands gently and looked deep into her eyes, "Give me one night, just like this, to prove that you and I are worth each others time."

"Kalgara... I-... You can't just throw away your family for me..-"

He pulled her close to him and placed his thumb on her soft pink lips and whispered into her ear.

"Let me... prove my worth to you, my goddess.."


959 words

No Strings Attached (Kalgara x Oc) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now