𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒: 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

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You'll Never Know

The blaring school bell pulls the girl out of her daze, making her jump in her seat. She was lost in the wild thoughts circulating her mind. Her brain specifically focused on a 6'5 amber-eyed boy who took her out recently.

Tetsuro Kuroo hasn't left her mind since their date. She dreams of the kiss they shared in the bakery and the other kisses he gave her after they left. All of them were intoxicating. He was intoxicating.

She couldn't take her mind off him no matter how hard she tried. He'd leave for half a second then fly straight back in. She was drunk and giddy at the thought of him. His 'good morning', 'good night', and 'how are you today?' texts made her smile effortlessly.

Gabby bids her teacher goodbye as always and exits the classroom. She wonders if she goes to the flower field, will Kuroo follow after her like before? They don't talk as much at school because they share no classes and he's always swarmed by people. Dixie calls him a people magnet. Wherever he goes, there's always a group lingering behind.

She decides to test if he'll follow her again by heading toward the field. Turning the corner, she hits a hard surface and fumbles back a bit. She gasps at the impact and breaths in the scene from the surface.

The familiar scent of weed and axe seeps into her nostrils causing her breath to leave. Her eyes slowly trail up the surface, which was actually a person, and are met with the pair of sly gray-green eyes she knows all too well.

His clouded eyes look down at her. It's like his vibrant eyes lost their color when they gazed upon her. His nostrils flare and his face turns stone rigid.

"Hello, Gabby." His voice when speaking to her is stiffened. It sounds like it was frightened into a corner and is being oppressed.

Gabby sees his chest cave in when she enters his presence. "Hi, Suna."

They stand there for an alarmingly long time. Neither of them wants to stay this close in proximity but neither of them can move. It's as if they were paralyzed in time. Both of them were locked in the memories and moments that transpired between them.

This is why they avoid each other. They both knew they get stuck on each other when they meet. Gabby manages to regain her movement first. She lifts her heavy foot off the ground to walk past him.

Blinded// A Haikyuu FicWhere stories live. Discover now