𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛: 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒 𝑂𝑛

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"It seems like you have a real obsession with her."

"Shut up pisshair." Suna turns and glares at the blonde twin sitting causally in his backseat. "I'm not obsessed with her."

The blonde laughs and falls back onto the leather seat not believing his friend for a second. "Yeah, okay."

Suna runs his finger through his deep brown strands while groaning at his friends' antics. Atsumu can't stay quiet even if his life depended on it. He doesn't want or need him running around telling others that he's 'obsessed' with Dixie.

He had just finished explaining the situation he and Dixie are in to his twin friends, Osamu and Atsumu. He never really wanted to tell them but Osamu is quite interested in how Dixie and Suna's relationship will play out and decided to ask him about it. Suna didn't mind telling Osamu, it was Atsumu that concerned him.

But his worry doesn't last for long. It doesn't matter if Atsumu tells others, he had a plan to expose him and Dixie anyways.

"I've never seen you so fixated on a girl." Osamu sits in the passenger seat and looks to Suna without turning his head. "Obsessed isn't too far off."

"Fixated? I am not fixated on her."

Osamu tches. "Yeah, right. You acted irrationally when Atsumu told you her and Iwaizumi were going to homecoming together. Since when do you care if one of your flings goes out with another guy?" He sends him a curious glance.

"Fling? Dixie and I aren't a fling."

"Exactly!" Atsumu grabs onto the shoulder of Suna's seat, leans onto the center console, and points a finger in Suna's face. "The Suna I know only has flings. If you and her aren't a fling, then what are you?"

Atsumu's innocent question hits Suna more than he would like. Dixie and Suna's 'relationship' is rather new and there isn't a definitive term to identify what they were. They weren't friends nor are they dating. And even though Suna fantasizes about having her, he knows it may take a while before he and her have sex so they weren't sexual either.

"I don't know what we are." He finally responds after a long moment of silence.

Osamu keeps his eyes on Suna for the entirety of the silence and squints his eyes when he sees the expression written on his fox-like face. Others may have just written his expression as indifferent and claim that Suna has no care over the situation but not only does Osamu have his gift, he's close enough to Suna to know that simply isn't true. He knows Dixie is always the main topic of his mind. He knows that Suna thinks of his relationship with Dixie more than he'd like to admit and that he's constantly wondering what they are.

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