
736 17 5

Includes: slight stalking, yandere themes, male reader, fluff

Requested by- kenshiYuuta

You walked through the aisles of books pushing the book cart up and down the aisles to put misplaced or brought back into there correct place.

You hated doing this but it got you out of class and you were alone most the time unless someone came up to you for a question but that was it.

You smiled as you saw that you put your last book up. You could go back to your dorm eat and then sleep. As you were putting the cart back up you jumped as you heard a book fall.

You sighed knowing that letting Sirius pick a movie to watch was never a good idea. Walking around to look for the book you guessed fell you grew nervous as you didn't find anything out of place. You heard running coming towards you and you ran to the front desk.

Going back to the front desk you grabbed your stuff and bolted out of the door.

you backed up only to feel yourself  get lifted up by a someone. Lifting your head up you saw the eye color changing man.

He smiled down at you as the person he was talking to frowned.

"Ah [Name] being clumsy again do you need my help" you scoffed at him and shook out of his grasp he smiled as he watched you get riled up. "I'm fine thank you very much"

He patted your hair "I sure hope you are I don't wanna see that handsome face of yours hurt" you felt your face heat up and looked away as you clutched onto your bookbag.

He chuckled at your expression. "What cat got your tounge" you stuck your tounge out as he casually wrapped a arm around your shoulder.

"I know you didn't like the movie I picked out but I'll make it up to you" you blinked in surprise and you looked at him "like what" he smirked "that's for me to know" you scoffed as he held that smirk on his face.

During him leading you two somewhere you and him had held each other's hands and it wasn't like he didn't notice. Oh he did and he loved the feeling of your skin on his.

He smiled as the cafe came into view "really a cafe" he looked at you shocked " whats wrong with it I saw you and Alpheratz here before and you looked pretty happy with him" he faked a look of hurt.

You shrugged " I've been here so many times I'm sick of it" he sighed "your so hard to read" you shrugged as he grew a bit irritated "so where do you wanna go to?"

You hummed and looked around for a second and pointed to a potion selling store. As you dragged him into the store you scanned through books and books while he watched.

Getting bored Sirius layed his head down on your shoulder and looked at the words on the paged that you were reading. You smiled as you felt him cling into you.

Closing the book you easily escaped his grasped and paid for it as Sirius quickly made his way out of there dragging you with him. "I'm already bored so let's go to your dorm" he didn't wait for you to protest and he already dragged you again.

He casually swung the door open and layed on your bed he casually kicked his shoes off and propped himself onto his elbows and smirked as he watched you tried making room onto your shelf that contained other books like the one you bought.

He scanned the room and saw a certain something. He chuckled and picked it up "good drawing [Name]" you turned your head and your face burned as embarrassment filled your body

"That's not yours Sirius" he chuckled and flipped through the pages. There were random drawings that were detailed to just doodles and random things you wrote. He stopped at a certain on and a smirk made his way on his face while his face burned up a bit. "Aw you draw me to"

You yanked it away from him and felt your face grow hotter. Sirius smiled "don't be shy I have a secret hobby too you know" you perked up "besides drawing isn't that bad everyone does it" he crossed his legs "what's your secret hobby" he chuckled "why would I tell you"

You groaned as he laughed "I want you to do something" you tilted your head as he smiled "draw me now" you stared at him blankly "are you gonna pay me" he rolled his eyes "fine here" he handed you twenty dollars "now do it" you nodded

You waited for him to say something about it but he looked at it. "Draw only me okay " you nodded as he smiled while handing it back. He grabbed you and wrapped his arms around you "I'm tired, you?"

You don't know what happened but when he said that you suddenly felt tired. So tired you only nodded your head "wanna know something [Name]?" You hummed "I want you to be my boyfriend" you smiled softly hearing that and closed your eyes  while holding him.

You had longed passed out but Sirius was still stroking your head. Atleast he told you even though he used a sleeping spell on you so you couldn't reject him. He smelled your hair and sighed in bliss "[name] my hobby is watching you".

You didn't hear that but he could care less he still could imagined that you got all excited about him watching you change out if your clothes in the locker room or even today when you were putting up the books.

He smiled as he watched the clock ticked his only focus was the fact he was holding you. He smiled as he layed his head in you neck and kissed it saying goodnight and forced himself to sleep.

998 words

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