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Includes- yandere themes,"I need mana" card accident,gender neutral reader, a bit if nsfw

Requested by-lord_of_irata

Vega walked around the tower, he wanted to hurry up and be down to see you since he made plans and had work that needed to be done.

After a hour he made his way down as he completed it and found no more monsters. As he was walking down the last hallway before he could get out a random monster jumped out.

Before he could react to it, it had attacked him with something making him stubbled back a bit. When he tried using his magic it didn't work which confused him but when he saw that monster getting ready to attack he had no other choice but to flee.

He walked in the garden his face was flushed as all he had thought about was you. He did think about you on a daily bases but these thought were very different from his usual ones.

He curled his hands up and down as he walked were he heard your sweet heavenly laugh. When he saw you he frowned as he saw that you were with Arcturus and Pollux. He didn't want them around so he left before you noticed him and went to your dorm.

He managed to get in and he felt his face burn up more as he breathed in your smell.

He heard you outside the door saying goodbye before you made your way in and as soon as you closed the door he slammed his hands on either side of your head his face flushed.

"Vega! H-how did you get in here!?" He looked at you "I just did [name] I missed you"

You blushed "Vega are you okay you loo-" "I'm fine!" He cleared his throat "I just-- got lonely because you hung out with those two and I didn't see you all day" you bit the inside of your cheek and placed a hand on his chest.

"Vega I'm sorry but you could've asked me to hang out with you" you tilted your head as he jolted from your touch " are you okay" he nodded "can I kiss you, it's not fair that they've were around you so please let me kiss you" your eyes widen at the sudden jealousy he held and his request to kiss you.

"What" he looked at you "can I kiss you..please [name]" you blinked and slowly nodded. He kissed you almost immediately and he held your face so softly as if you were to break.

It took you by surprise but you didn't mind well you did mind the fact he snuck into your room which you would make sure to finally get a lock in case Sirius tried breaking in to steal something for blackmail.

Vega bit your lip causing you to jolt and open your mouth and as soon as you did that he invaded it with his tounge.

He pulled away for air and he soon pulled you closer to him as he kissed you again and stumbled onto the bed.

You had wrapped a arm around his neck and place a hand on his face as you felt him hold your face.

You would have never expected that Vega was a good kisser but here you were losing your breath because of him but there is a lot of things you won't be able to suspect of him for.

He moved his hands down and they went under your shirt making you slightly moan from his cold hands and held your waist.

He moaned in the kiss as you swirled your tounge with his. Your hands found the back of his shirt and had a balled up most if making it ride up.

You brought one hand to go under his shirt and you drew circles making him more needy.

"Hey name, you forgot your-Oh" you turned your head and saw Arcturus standing in the doorway your camera in his hand.

Vega buried his face in your neck as embarrassment filled his body as he whispered out apologies as Sirius came in and laughed that the two of you got cock blocked by Arcturus.

You had shoved then out and put a chair under the handle so they couldn't get in. Turning your head you smiled at Vega "I'm sorry" he shook his head "no its fine I'm sorry I acted without thinking" you looked off to the side "so did you want to even kiss me or were you just"

He shook his head " no I di-do I still do I just wish we didn't get caught" you walked closer to him "do you want to continue where we left off now that those two dimwits are out of the way" Vega eagerly nodded as you kissed him making him melt.

He dreamt of this even before whatever that monster put on him. He dreamt of kissing you,feeling you. He finally got to do it after waiting for so long. Now he knew that you loved him surely you did because if not he would never live with that. But even if you didn't he could always use that New spell he learned on you to make you his but he would relish in this moment for now.

853 words

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