Pollux PT:2

462 16 12

Includes- yandere themes,murder,a bit of gore, non con kissing

Requested by-lord_of_irata

You flipped the page of your book and took a sip of your drink as you continued to concentrate on the book.

You closed the book as you finished for the day and began writing for your report on magic history.

Feeling your phone vibrate you picked it up and saw Pollux text you.

"[Name] where are you!"

Looking at the time you frowned and quickly texted back.

"Srry I lost track of time I'm gonna head over"

He read your text and didn't respond. You hoped he wasn't mad.

"So you must be the girl people keep telling me that my brother is in love with" you turned around and saw someone who was slightly older and looked like Pollux. "Umm what?"

He chuckled at your cluelessness "you are cute I'll give you that"you blushed at the compliment "uh I have to go" he frowned "okay well here " he wrote down his number and handed it to you. "I wanna talk to you sometime so make sure to text me"

You nodded but he grabbed your hand " here text me now so I can make sure I gave you the right number". you sighed and took your phone out inserting his number and sending him a quick text.

"I have to go goodbye"he smiled as you walked out.

You hurried as you saw Pollux "Pollux!" He smiled as he saw you waving. He looked up as fireworks shot off, you held his hand and watched in amusement.

You squeezed his hand and watched as the last firework boomed. He smiled "I'm hungry can we go eat Pollux" he nodded and dragged you to a restaurant nearby.

The two of you enjoyed the hot food and chatted away. You excused yourself self to the restroom.

Pollux impatiently tapped his fingers on the table waiting for your return.


He looked at your phone as it kept dinging causing him to grow more irritated. He grabbed the phone and unlocked it. As he scrolled through the messages he saw that during your date you had been texting a certain someone and from the number he knew that it was his brother.

He put the phone back where it was and smiled at you "I'm done so let's go" you nodded and payed for the food.

The next few days passed and Pollux only watched you from afar his anger building up as he watch you text his brother or hang out with castor.

He gritted his teeth his hands in fist as he walked through the halls. He saw castor alone and grabbed him by the arm.

He took him to a empty classroom. "We need to talk"
Castor smirked "sure
"What do you want with her!" Castor shrugged "she interesting why does it matter" Pollux groaned in frustration.

"Because it does I had her first!" Castor glared "that doesn't matter" Pollux pulled his gun out surprising castor.

The two twins had a standoff which ended with one being dead and that wasn't Pollux.

Pollux stared at the body that had a hole one his forehead with blood and sone bits of brain on castors head.

Pollux didn't feel a thing he couldn't even feel the bullethole in his shoulder.

He smiled as he limped towards your dorm leaving drops of blood.

He made his way inside and dropped his gun as his body felt heavier.

Hearing the shower turn off he made his way to the bathroom. He stood outside of the bathroom door waiting for you to open it.

"Oh my god!" You gasped as you clutched the towel seeing Pollux with blood on his white uniform.

"Pollux leaned on you his arms wrapping around you causing blood to get onto your cleaned body.

"P-pollux what happened are you hurt" he smelled your damped hair. "Don't worry" you felt sick from the smell of blood.

"[Name] I love you" he pulled back his hands smashing your face together and looked at you with crazed eyes. he placed a kiss to your lips as you pushed your hands onto his chest pushing him away.

He grabbed you again pulling you in his chest "I'll never let you go [name]"

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