
I fall onto my bed happy that today is over and finally I'm graduated so no more school for now at least.

Falling asleep thinking of all the fun I can do now that my studies were worth it and that i graduated with the highest honors and top of my class.

Waking up to Gracie telling me that the party for me has started down stairs and that I need to make my appearance soon she set down a gorgeous gown.

She helped me with the dress since it wasn't as easy as it looked to be put on, after that she dolled me up and put my hair into a messy bun but it was pretty.

Walking down the stairs my brother's were actually in sight for once so i gave them a hug each then went seeking for father.

"Alexandrite Topaz is that you" I hear Grammy call and gives me a big sqeeze, so I giggle and hug her. My Grammy tells me I have my mother's wild spirt and to have fun in life liek she'd want me to.

So sadly my mom died for me to live and I'll be dammed to not live it to the fullest like she gave up amd gave to me.

After the splendid party that was so cool is finally over I hear my dad wanted to talk to me. So I go to his office and walk in, "come in alexa imma keep this short, we're going to new York city for 6 months it's business so try and behave plus your brothers will be joining so go get good sleep we leave tonight" and I nod my head shutting the door and start skipping to my room.

Get ready New York city because here I come with full force of craziness me

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