Chapter 1: The Darkness

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"I don't care about the world. I'm just merely living."

Bible's POV

I'm Bible Wichapas and I'm a 1st year college student. I am an introvert. As you know, I don't like hanging out with people, I don't like talking to others that much, I have only one friend and that is me, I'm a loner, and I'm afraid to step out of my safe zone which is the darkness. You see, I always get bullied because I don't talk much. They throw eggs at me and they also splashed me with dirty water. I don't have anyone to rely on because my parents, well, they died when I was still 5 years old and my grandma is the only one who raised me. Until one day...she died. I woke up everyday trying to fight the urge to end my own life but something keeps on holding me back.

Another day at school, another day to suffer.
"Hey Bible! Can't talk again?!" - Torfun, the pick me girl laughed at me with her friends.
I just ignored her and then someone pulled me by pulling my bag. It hurts but I can't fight with them.
"Hey! Lend me money so me and my friends can hang out." - Tawan, the gangster asks for money. I almost give him the money I earned by being a part time waiter at a fast food restaurant. Luckily, two people showed up in front of me.
"What about lending you my fist?! Stop bugging the first year students!" - As I can recall, the one talking is Mile, the grandson of the owner of the university, the Greeny Colleagues University.
"And Torfun, do you really want to go to hell? But, that may place may not suit you cause hell is where beautiful villains are and you, you are just ugly." - The one with Mile is the only heir son of the biggest fashion industry of the world, the Nnatawin brand, Apo.
"You okay?" - Apo, helped me get up.
"Thank you." - Then I walked away. I'm thankful for them but I'm still embarrassed because I can't even protect myself.

The hour goes by so fast. Now it's lunchtime and I'm alone at the rooftop. I go here every lunch so that Tawan and Torfun won't t bully me. My lunch is just a simple lunch, rice balls and a fried chicken. But even though it's like this everyday, I'm still thankful.
"You must pray before eating." - A voice whispered to me. What the hell is that?! I looked around but I couldn't see anyone. After praying, I decided to eat but then, Tawan came.
"Oh! You're so pitiful! You're such a loser, you know?!" - Tawan laughed but he seems angry. I think it's because of what happened earlier. I know for a second that I'm dead.
"I got laughed at the cafeteria about what happened earlier. This is your fault!" - He throw my lunch at the floor. I'm scared but if this is it, I'll gladly accept my death.
"If you don't stop that, I'll make sure you'll never come back at this school ever again!" - Apo and Mile brought their lunch at the rooftop and luckily saw me almost getting killed by Tawan.
"You're lucky but next time, you'll never be lucky." - Tawan let go of my collar and I started cleaning my lunch that got splattered on the floor. I'm so hungry so I tried to save what I can eat with the rice balls and I blow the dirt out of my chicken. After I finished cleaning it, I ready to eat but then they stopped me.
"If you're hungry, you can eat my lunch." - Apo offered his lunch.
"No thanks. This is fine for me." - I tried to put the rice in my mouth but Mile stopped my hands.
"You can eat Apo's lunch. Both of us will share my lunch. And don't worry, my baby's lunch is very delicious." - So they are lovers.
"Thank you." - I opened his lunch then I saw a variety of foods! There's a rice roll, a cherry tomato, an apple and an orange, and a lot of meat! I ate everything that's inside the lunchbox and it was so delicious.
"You really eat well." - Apo smiled at me.
"You're so thin. Have you been eating well?" - I couldn't answer them because they might pity me.
"It's okay. You don't have to answer it. But I got one request." - I looked at Apo and he held out his hand.
"Be my friend." - Mile nods and Apo keep on smiling at me. I want to be their friend but I'm not like them.
"I'm sorry. I'm not like you. You two are rich and you have perfect lives but..." - Apo laughed.
"You're interesting! Whenever we offer someone our friendship, they always say yes because we are rich but you're different." - So it was just a test.
"But, really. Be our friend. I'm serious." - Apo held his hand again and so, I accepted his offer. Mile and Apo are 4th year students and they are such great people.

Build's POV


"So, what did you do now?" - I'm getting scolded because I scared the other angels by putting some toy caterpillars on the plants.
"I'm so sorry master. I was just having some fun." - The master just closed his eyes then shaked his head.
"This is your last chance and you blew it. You are now punished to go to land and be with someone who needs a guardian angel." - Yep! This is the third time that I got into trouble. First was making the baby angels cry, second is I broke a very important vase of the master, then now, for playing a prank.
"Who is the person I'm going to protect?" - I asked the master then he asked me to follow him inside a chamber.
"This is where you will meet the person you will protect." - He then showed me a book that has my name on it.
"Place your hand then say, "I'll forever guide the person who You will give me." - So I followed the master. I placed my hand then say the words then the book opened.
"Read the name." - I carefully looked at the name then read it.
"Bible Wichapas." - What a beautiful name. Then a face was shown in the book. So this is how the person looked like. He has cool eyes and a beautiful hand.
"You are now going to meet him and beware, you will be given powers to protect him but after your powers will weaken, you will be back here and if you fail your task, you will be forever stuck in the living world." - I got scared suddenly. What will happen to me? I don't know the human world yet. Before I could ask the master, the gate opened and I got sucked in it.

Bible's POV

The school just finished and I'm going to my part time job at the fast food restaurant now. I'm going to walk over there because it's near our school anyway. As soon as I arrived, the owner greeted me with a smile. The owner is very kind. He always help me in everything. I got dressed and then I started working. My work lasts until 10:00 pm and I start at at 5:00 pm which means, I got 5 hours to work and the wage is 800 an hour so, 800x5=4000 a day.

After working for five hours, the owner let me go home. I received my money and then the owner also gave me foods for dinner. It was a lot so it will last me until tomorrow and I have more for lunch. I waved them goodbye and I walked to my house. It was just a 10 minute walking distance from the restaurant. As I was walking down the dark alley, I saw Tawan with a bunch of guys. Oh no! I'm dead!
"You think you can escape me?! Get him!" - They chased me so I ran but I don't have that enough energy left. I'm so tired from school and from my job that my stamina can't save me tonight. I turned to a dead end and they dragged me to Tawan. He punched me in the stomach so hard that I spit blood! I'm surely dead. Today us the first day I made friends with two kind people but I guess it's time to go. Just as he was going to continue to fight me, a bright light flashes at us. It was so bright and then I saw a boy. He was like an angel. I might be hallucinating because I can see wings, he has wings. He smiled and I saw his dimples.
"I'm sorry, I am late." - Tawan's men let go of me then fought with the boy. The boy just smiled and pull out a sword! They all were surprised, even me! I guess he is a ninja! Just like in Naruto or he's a samurai! I wanted to watch the fight but I'm getting so weak and I'm starting to fall asleep. But before my head reach the ground, the boy put his hand in my head.
"It's okay, I'm your guardian angel. I will protect you." - Guardian angel? I think I watched too much TV that's why this is happening to me.

*At the House*

I woke up and I start to look at the place. I'm in my house!
"It was just a dream."
"Good morning, Bible!" - The boy smiled and greeted me. Who is this boy? Is it not just a dream? Is what happened last night real? Am I crazy?
"I'm Build, I'm an angel." - Angel?!!

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