Chapter 1 - The Offer

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"Lord Dovahkiin, trust me when I say that we seek a temporary halt to hostilities. No matter your feelings concerning us, the return of Celebrimbor represents the gravest danger to Arda since the beginning of this war. He is a common foe that we must unite against" Sauron said to Dragonborn taking a step forward.

"Celebrimbor would not have become the Bright Lord had you not slaughtered his family in front of him" Daenerys snarled before the Dragonborn could answer. "And you have given us no reason to trust you! Thousands have died because of your war. You murdered my stepson, twisted my grandson into a servant of evil leading to his death. I do not believe we will entertain an alliance with Mordor. Whatever befalls the Black Land is of your own doing."

"Lady Daenerys, do not fail to heed our warning. Talion never told you what the spider told him for the fallen Ranger never thought the ring maker would escape the Void. Shelob may have been a descendant of Ungoliant, but she possessed a gift that few were granted even among the Eldar" Morgoth spoke softly.

"Foresight" Brianna quietly said to Daenerys.

"Aye. With the new Ring, Celebrimbor would have overthrown Sauron and conquered not only Mordor, but all of Arda. Tamriel, Westeros, the Northern Kingdoms and even the realm of the Outpost would fall under his dominion. We must put aside our differences and face him under a single banner" Morgoth finished.

"My ancient kin waged war against you for over two millennia and could not defeat you" Yennefer replied, both her hands alight with flame. "This Celebrimbor is only one Elf Lord and you have legions of Uruks, Easterlings and Nilfgaardian soldiers at your disposal. And Morgoth is a Valar. Celebrimbor poses little threat."

"You are greatly mistaken Master Sorceress. Celebrimbor is not only one of the greatest Elven smiths, but also possesses all of our magical knowledge. Our spies have seen him with the Elves of the Northern Kingdoms. He has persuaded Francesca to go with him to Alinor" Sauron informed them.

Ciri watched Brianna shift uncomfortably. She knew the Thalmor had nearly destroyed the Blades in the Great War. Despite the Thalmor remembering their ancestry and rescinding the White-Gold Concordant, many Nords still harbored ill feelings toward the Elves. Many of their kin died defending the Empire against their aggression.

"If Celebrimbor gets use of their military, he could cause a Second Great War. One that would eclipse the first" Brianna uttered sheathing her sword.

"The Thalmor are ambitious yes, but Maius has broken Morgoth's hold over them Brianna. They remember they are Noldor now" the Dragonborn told his daughter.

"Papa, if Celebrimbor gains the new Ring, he could dominate their minds on a massive scale. He probably already promised Francesca to destroy Nilfgaard. And Ciri is the heir to the throne of Cintra which is their ancient capital forcing her to fight the Aldmeri Dominion. And we are her only ally forcing our hand leading Anor into very bloody conflict" she countered looking at the Dark Lords of Mordor. "It pains me to say this, but Morgoth and Sauron are right. We have to face Celebrimbor united. If we do not, then each of us will be destroyed one by one."

"My father will never agree to an alliance with Mordor" Loreth retorted flatly. "The men of Gondor and Rohan will never fight alongside an Orc. Brianna they cannot be trusted!"

"I do not trust them Loreth nor do I believe that they have told us everything. But I know the threat that Celebrimbor poses and if he gains the armies of the Thalmor, may the Gods help us" Brianna finished with a sigh.

"Do not delude yourself into a belief that they will not betray any alliance" Daenerys protested. "I am certain they are plotting your father's downfall."

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