Chapter 2 - An Elf Lord in Alinor

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CELEBRIMBOR WAS AMAZED BY THE ARCHITECTURE OF ALINOR FOR IT WAS ALMOST AN EXACT DUPLICATE OF EREGION. Francesca had told him the majority of the Elves of the Summerset Isles were descendants of the Noldor from the First Age of Middle-earth. It showed in their art, writing, language, food and customs. However, their politics were more in line with that of Mordor than that of their ancient kin. The former prisoners of Melkor had become just like their captor over time. He heard the tale of how they started a thirty-year war with The Empire by executing over one hundred Akaviri Knights. Francesca had also filled him in on the other realms. Celebrimbor was disgusted that the evil of Mordor had spread beyond Middle-earth, but was relieved that there was strong resistance. The Empire and the renewed kingdom of Anor was fighting back and had won significant victories against Sauron. However, the Dark Lord had a powerful ally in Nilfgaard who intended to deal with. Yet, the Elf Lord was pleased to learn the Aldmeri Dominion had remembered who they were and where they came from. Celebrimbor hoped to use that to his advantage. Their king was young and inexperienced and he believed he could convince him to lend him the army. With an army of Elves, Celebrimbor knew the forces of Mordor would be no match for him. All he needed was his Ring back - the ring he and Talion forged. That was currently under the care of the Blades who resided in Skyrim.

As he approached the palace, the gates opened and the guards bowed in respect. A company of soldiers raised their swords in salute. Francesca had sent word ahead of Celebrimbor's return and wish to speak with the king. The king, Alinias was eager to speak with Celebrimbor and the city had greeted him warmly. Celebrimbor spotted the young Thalmor king whose face resembled Gil-galad, but had the golden hair of Glorfindel. Celebrimbor wondered if there was any relation to the last Elven king and vanquisher of a Balrog. He took a knee before the king who motioned him to rise.

"Welcome! Welcome to Alinor. This is indeed a treat. To be visited by the greatest Elven smith to have walked the earth is rare luxury" Alinias cried excitedly.

"Thank you, Lord King, but that honor belongs to Feanor who crafted the Silmarils. Had you seen the light of Valinor trapped in those jewels, it would have taken your breath away."

"Yet it was you who forged the great Rings that shaped and molded our world. Not even Feanor could accomplish what you created" Alinias countered still awestruck.

"Yet my skill was used to forge the Ring of Power which caused so much pain and sorrow. My new ring which I intend to reclaim, is pure and without imperfection and that is why I am here Lord King" Celebrimbor replied.

"I do not understand."

"The four realms of Arda are burning Lord King and the Aldmeri Dominion are doing nothing. While Sauron's armies march with their Nilfgaardian allies, the Empire and Anor are fighting and dying. An army of Elves could tip the balance in favor of the Allies and overthrow the Dark Lord. Give me command of the army and I will ensure Mordor's destruction."

Alinias took a step back, his face in pure shock. He had expected to receive a Noldorian Elf who would want to live in peace. Instead, he was confronted with one who sought war. "Lord Celebrimbor, war with Mordor is out of the question. I will not risk Elven lives against the armies of darkness."

"Do not delude yourself into a false sense of security. Sauron hates Elves and when he is finished with The Empire and Anor, he will come for you" Celebrimbor responded flatly.

"Sauron is not the ruler of Mordor."

Celebrimbor laughed at Alinias's words "Sauron is not the ruler of Mordor? Since when? Did the king of the Southlands return and reclaim his kingdom" he mocked remembering the Dark Lord's disguise as Halbrand.

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