What about us? (5)

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The dirt floated up and covered Lisa's field of vision for a short while.

Despite the cool day that it was, she was sweating profusely as she looked towards the man wearing a striped polo shirt who shouted "SAFE!"

A silent moment passed before cheers erupted. Her team had officially won the Inter-Middle School Baseball Competition.

The taste of victory was sweet after they had lost during the summer semi-finals but what made the victory especially sweet came from the familiar voice calling out to her from the stands.

From where she was lifted on the shoulders of her teammates, Lisa could see the brunette hair of her favorite sunbae waving enthusiastically.

Lisa waves back just as happily towards her as she was carefully brought back to the grounds.

"Good job Barbie!" Her baseball captain stated, side hugging the girl.

"Thank you captain, but I would be happier if you didn't call me Barbie while congratulating me." Lisa replied pushing away from her captain.

"Don't be like that Lalisa, you made the winning swing, smile more." The captain said using her fingers to make move Lisa's mouth into a smile.

The young player swats the captain's hands away while grinning, "Yeah yeah I get it. Now, stop it before your fangirls try to maul me for touching their beloved prince."

The older girl rubs her nape in embarrassment at the thought of her so-called fans, "They aren't bothering you are they?"

"Nah don't worry, they know I'm not interested at all" Lisa replies waving her hand dismissively.

"Oof, harsh Lalisa. After I've been such a good sunbae to you, buying you snacks on our way home."

Lisa rolls her eyes, "you bought me the snacks because you ate mine during practice."

"Details... details." The captain replies, slinging her arm around the younger girls' shoulder.

"Lili.." A voice behind her sharply calls.

Turning around, Lisa comes face to face with an unhappy looking Jennie, whose arms were crossed looking at the two baseball players.

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