"I don't know how long this'll take baby" Aurora looked at me.
"You're fine. I'll catch up on a few things here. Let me know if you need me"
She smiled at me then gave me a kiss "I'll be quick." She jumped out the car making me chuckle.
I watched her go inside and thought for a moment before I called Babu.
"What is wrong"
"Nothing. Nothing." I sighed "I think I'm going to tell her. I don't like her being in the dark about all this bullshit. Tina can go to hell"
"Yes, I never like Tina. Or their family, but Laila love them" He said annoyed. "Lail say she come to dinner?"
"She'll be there. So try and keep your composure"
"So nice to finally meet her in person. Lail said she speaks Arabic" he said proudly
"Mhm Laila taught her"
"So you two serious huh? No killing right?"
"She's perfect Babu. I don't think she's knows how serious it is yet" I chuckled "She tries to keep her excitement down. She gets that little twinkle that Marco does when he becomes infatuated with something, and she's clingy like you. In a good way of course"
"Yes I was attach to my Angela. Perfect." He laughed making me chuckled "Are you not worry about her acting like Marco?"
"No, Laila and Brandon did a hell of a job raising her. Plus if she did start to act like Marco I have a suspicion I'll like it. I know I would."
"You crazy crazy man"
"Have you spoken to Michael?" I asked "Tina stopped passed my hotel the other night to give me a curtisy. Basically telling me to leave Aurora alone"
"Really?" He said irritated "Those Wilson's always trying to stir up trouble. Always causing trouble"
"Did you know about her and Sante?" I asked planting a little information for him. "Do with that what you will. Maybe threaten her with Sante into telling Aurora the truth?"
"I like that. Lail aidkhul huna" (Get in here)
"Her knowing will let us protect her better" I added "Enya too"
"Yes. Yes. I will meet you tomorrow"
I was about to hang up but heard yelling and a door slam "Hold on"
I looked over seeing Aurora walking out the door then turning around "Fuck you!"
"What is going on?"
"I'm not sure. Hold on"
"And if you didn't know you're fired!"
"Good!" Aurora screamed. She turned around walking back towards the car and I got out. Before I could ask her what's wrong she turned back around "And another thing Ian." She walked over to him
"Aurora" I called after her but she wasn't hearing me.
She reached in her purse and pulled something out "Bitch" she started spraying pepper spray making Ian scream and fall to the ground holding his eyes "And if I see you again it'll be a gun"
I walked over to her and grabbing her hand "What happened" I looked down at the phone making sure Babu was still on.
"You were right" she looked at him "fucking piece of shit"
"Aurora" I grabbed her face "Look at me. Tell me what happened"
"He told me that if I didn't suck him off he was going to make a report that I knew Alice had been reported to the nurse registry before, but just under a different name." He face morphed from anger to sadness "I didn't know! She never mentioned it. It's not like I can look up something I don't know-"
"Hey look at me. It's okay" she shook her head "It is. It will be. You're not going to loose your job okay?"
"Go sit in the car"
"Go" I handed her my keys and she took them. She looked down at Ian then back at me turning away and walking to the car. I put my phone back up to my ear "Did you get that?" I said to Babu.
"I did, I already sent Lail."
I hung up the phone and picked Ian up by the back of his shirt "Let's go"
I took Ian to his office shooting the security and secretary in the process. They were both just sitting there gossiping about what happened anyway. I didn't need this situation getting more out of hand then it already was.
He started trying to fight back but I just shot him in his leg making him scream out. I thought about tying him up but just didn't feel like it, I shot him in his other leg for good measure.
I pulled the chair from in front of his desk out then sat in it "American men make me sick. Why couldn't you just do your job?" I asked him irritated.
He was just on the floor groaning, his hands kept ghosting over his eyes that I'm sure we're still burning. He grabbed at his leg and screamed, no doubt from the pepper spray from his hands getting in his wounds.
"Less work for me"
I heard the door open and a laugh "The smell of fresh blood never gets old to me" I heard Lail's voice.
"In here" I called out to him, he came in smoking a cigarette and I glared at him "Put that out. Auroras in the car"
"For fucks sake Matteo" he took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it out on Ian's face.
I stood up "I need to get back to Aurora-"
"Hey Matteo?"
"Did she say anything about me?"
"You know? Like did she anything?"
"Oh yeah she did"
"What did she say?"
"She was very happy to meet her uncle she didn't know she had" I said sarcastically and Lail's face dropped.
"Fuck you" I waved him off getting ready to leave again "Are you and my father planning on telling her tomorrow?"
I shook my head "No. Soon. But not tomorrow" he nodded his head but looked conflicted. "Lail. Relax. Everything will be fine"
"I know" He mugged Ian in his face with his shoe "I'm just excited to meet her and Enya" he said sounding like a child then kicking Ian in the face knocking him out "I thought I was going to be the cool uncle but Marco fucks everything up"
"Marco will be dealt with Lail. Then you can be the cool uncle or whatever the fuck you want"
Lail pulled his gun out shooting Ian in the head then putting his gun up "What kind of things does Enya like?"
"Books, she's smart. I don't really know I haven't met her"
"It's a damn shame Brandon and Laila died like that. In a fucking car accident out of all things" he kicked Ian's lifeless body.
"At least she wasn't murdered" I said trying to comfort him but I wasn't good at these sort of things.
"I guess you are right." He pulled his phone out "Ill call the cleaners."

His Aurora (Geniuses and Genetics Book 1) (BWWM)
RomanceAurora King, a 25 year old content single mom, who has just work her way up the nursing latter to D.O.N. Gets unknowingly wrapped up in her baby daddy's gambling debt leading her to meet Matteo Moretti, the Don of the Italian mafia. Matteo takes an...