Chapter 4 - Walk

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After the movie, the boys offer to walk the three of us home since we don't have a car. They're all really nice. Sodapop and Steve have been friends for a long time. Two-bit, whose real name is Keith, and they have been a part of the same gang since they were kids. At least that's what they said. Sodapop and I learned we have gym and history together. And I and Steve have science, math, and history together.

"So what about you?" Sodapop asks me as we walk along the fence. "Why'd you move to Tulsa?"
"My dad got reassigned to the airbase down here," I say casually.
"What about your mom?" Two-bit asks.
"She, uhh, she died a few years back," I say, shoving my fists in my pockets.
"Oh, sorry." He says. I shrug.
"It was a long time ago."

The three boys nod and Marcia pats my shoulder comfortingly. It's only when Steve changes the subject that we perk up again.
"This was fun." He says.
"It sure was." Cherry agrees before her eyes catch on something.
"Oh no..." Marcia says as she comes to a stop. "What do we do?"
"Act normal." Cherry answers.

I look over my shoulder, watching the blue mustang that comes up to us. In a second, Randy and Bob hop out of the front seats, clearly drunk or at least tipsy.
"Who are these clowns?" Two-bit asks as he steps in front of Marcia.
"Trouble," I say under my breath. Steve, who stands closest to me, looks over as I say this.

"Cherry!" Bob calls as he stumbles over. "What's going on, what are you doing?"
Cherry just looks at her boyfriend, a blank expression on her face. "Just because we got a little drunk doesn't mean-" He starts to say but Cherry cuts him off.
"A little?! Do you call passing out a little?!" She shouts, "Bob I told you once and I'll say it again. I'm never going out with you while your drinking and I mean it!"

Cherry can be scary when she's angry, I realize. Speaking of realizing things, I just realized that Two-bit, Sodapop, and Steve have stepped in front of us a little. Or maybe me and Marcia stepped back.
"That's no reason to be walking the streets with these bums." Randy steps in.
"Who are you calling "bums", pal?" Two-bit asks defensively.
"You." He answers, pulling the leather jacket Two-bit gave Marcia off her shoulders and practically throwing her behind him.

"Listen, we got two more of us in the back seat." Randy threatens, though his voice is a little shaky.
"Pity the back seat!" Steve joins in. "If you're looking for a fight-!"
"I am looking for a fight!"
"Stop it!" Cherry yells, getting all of our attention. "We'll go with you just stop it."

"Why would you want to?" Soda asks softly.
"I don't." She answers. "But I hate fights, I hate 'em." With that, she thanks the boys and walks to Randy's car with Marcia right on her heels. I already know I'm not going with them, dad would probably kill me if I did.
"Winnie, come on," Randy says, gesturing for me to follow. I shake my head and turning on my heel I leave. "Winnie!" Randy hollers so loud that everyone and their brother can hear him, but I don't listen.

Tonight was supposed to be fun, and it was in the middle. But it started bad, got better, and then got worse. Now I just wanna go home. I'm never going to the drive-in again, at least not with Bob and Randy. I sigh, heading in the direction of my house, according to Soda it's right on the east and west border. The division of the greaser and soc's territories. I guess that fits me, I'm not a greaser or a soc.

I'm just an outsider...

Suddenly, I hear three sets of footsteps come running up behind me.
"You know, you shouldn't walk home alone," Steve says, slowing down beside me along with Sodapop and Two-bit.
"I'll be fine," I say. "But I enjoy the company."
All the boys flash big smiles.

The rest of the walk is quite peaceful. Mainly just the boys and me asking questions about each other. I tell them simple things about Ruth, me, and North Dakota. How I like Tulsa so far and what my plans for the future are. In exchange, they tell me things about themselves.

Two-bit has a sister a little younger than Ruth, named Kaylee. He's the wisecracker of the gang, which I could easily have guessed. Sodapop has two brothers, one older, and one younger, Darry and Ponyboy. He and Steve work at the DX after school and on most weekends.

And finally, Steve, who was a little reluctant to say anything about himself. He lives with his dad but most nights crashes at the Curtis house. He's also the mechanic at the gasoline station. He can drive anything on wheels, according to Soda.

Once we stop outside my house, I wish we could keep walking. Hanging out with them was the most fun I've had in a while.
"Bye Winnie," Two-bit says as he gives me a big squeeze. "We'll see you on Monday, right?"
"Of course," I say while hugging Soda as well.
Two-bit grins and so does Soda.
"Come see us at the DX sometime." He says.
"I will," I say, making a mental note to visit them sometime next week.

"See ya, Winnie," Steve says.
"Bye Steve," I reply, stepping away from the trio of boys.
"Oh, wait!" Soda suddenly says. I turn around, watching him as he grabs a sharpie from his jacket pocket. He takes my hand, scribbling down a sloppy number. "It's our house phone." He says. "Call us sometime, we're always there. Just say you're looking for Sodapop."
I smile and say, "I will", before waving at the boys and going inside.

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