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I hear the sound of my phone alarm going off. I groaned picking it up turning it off. I got an attitude immediately just of the thought of school. I'm so glad it's Friday. I laid there for 5 more minutes then finally rose up out my bed & headed to the bathroom. Once I was done with everything, I walked back into my room to find something to wear. As I start to lay my stuff out, In walks my mother about to get on my nerves.

"Can you knock?" I said rolling my eyes closing my closet. Now what if I was ass naked?

"I shouldn't have to knock on no door in MY house & secondly if you were changing you need to lock the damn door." She said with her arms folded.

"Whatever, Do you need anything?" I said finally facing her with my head tilted. I hope she hurry this up so I can finish getting ready.

"I was coming to make sure you was up. Your ass been late all week long. You need to take school more seriously Adore. Don't you want a scholarship?" She said messing with my clothes I laid out.

"Well..." I started saying before taking my clothes out her hand. "If you continue with your bullshit & don't get out my room so I can change, I'll be late this whole entire week." I said smiling rolling my eyes.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom to death. It's just she want me to be this perfect person, that i'm far from. She always telling me she doesn't want me to make the same mistakes she did. She want me to go to college & be something in life. Which I understand, but i'm not her. I can't be the person she use to correct the incorrect things she did when she was young. At the end of the day i'm my own person & i'm going to do what i want regardless.

"Just hurry up so I can get you to school." She said walking out closing the door. After I was done getting dress. I walked down stairs to see my mom waiting my the door with her work clothes on.

"Took you long enough, lets go." She said walking out the house. I didn't have the patience neither the energy to argue with her so i just simply rolled my eyes & walked out the house locking it behind me.

I'm in Mrs. Lewis class chatting it up with my bestfriend. This the only class I take with Tramiyah since she is a Senior. That's all we do in here cause the teacher always on the phone with her homegirls talking bout bullshit.

"You & Ms.A always getting into it about something. Y'all be having me weak as a bitch." She said laughing at what i told her about me & my momma this morning.

"That shit not funny, she be blowing my shit. She always tryna do that fake ass crashing." I said rolling my eyes. Then my phone started to ring.

"Speaking of the devil." I said showing her my phone.
She started laughing as I answered. "Wassup?" I said into the phone.

"Adore you're going to have to walk or find a ride home. I forgot I told Kenya i'll cover her overnight shift tonight." She said making me roll my eyes once again. Dealing going to make me be eyeless.

"Whatever." I said as she hung up. I swear this lady want me to be "better" but she need to be better her damn self, never fucking home.

"So what she said?" Miyah said scrolling through her phone.

"She have to work overnight." I said getting on instagram.

𝙷𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝙵𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚎 ✞.Where stories live. Discover now