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Chapter 3: Firewood Collection

The majority has selected option 2


Astrid went with Nick and Abi to get firewood.

18.53| August 22nd - Astrid

Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp Grounds

"I'll take you and Nick up on at offer then Abi, Let's go get firewood."

Both of your mentioned friends smiled happily, Abi even got a little red.


Abi and Nick are happy that you're going with them

Jacob clasped his hand together, a wide grin on his face.

"Alright party planning committee! Let's split and meet at the fire pit when we're all done!

Everyone spilt into their small groups, you suddenly remembered something.

"Hey Kaitlyn, my guitar's in the trunk, could you bring that with you to the fire pit? I can play some tunes later."


Tip of the iceberg:
Astrid headed inside the lodge to talk to Nick and Dylan, Astrid brought her guitar out

"Sure thing Astrid, see ya."

"Thanks, see ya."

And with that everyone set off.

19.05| August 22nd -Astrid

Hackett wood

The setting sun cast the perfect warm orange glow on the forest as you walked through it.
Shadows painted your arms and everything around you, light spilling through the cracks in the foliage above and creating a beautiful picture.

You, Nick and Abi walked side by side through the trees where you'd spent half your days at camp. Each of you were carrying small bundles of firewood, occasionally bending down to add another to the piles. The three of you made small yet meaningful talk as you strolled under the leaves.

It's so serene and beautiful.. this is just what I needed to ease the nerves, and with two of my favourite people too.

"This would be a lot easier with Mr H's chainsaw."

Nick commented lightly as he looked at you and Abi. You were right in between the two, Abi on your right and Nick on your left. You smiled a little.

"It would... but I don't think Mr H would even let us five feet near his chainsaw though."

Nick chuckled at your words.

"It's really pretty out here when there's no kids around."

Abi said and you found yourself agreeing with her. Kids, especially the younger ones, could be a handful sometimes.

"Yeah, I know what you mean Abi."

"They can get kinda obnoxious, huh?"

You and Abi both nodded.

"They always seem to calm down when your playing your guitar though Astrid, and during your painting lessons Abi."

You turned your head slowly towards Nick. Had he really seen your music lessons? You turned a little red at the thought, though you really didn't get why.

"You've seen our classes?"

Abi asked the both of you, Nick seemed to freeze for a split second before trying to play it off.

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