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Chapter 4: Hackett's quarry truth or dare

The majority has selected option 1


Something for later: Astrid took the knife

19.33 | August 22nd- Astrid

Hackett's Quarry Camp Firepit

Hesitating for a moment, you wrapped your hand around the knife and slowly slipped it into your pants.

Better to have it and not needing it than it and not have it. I'll give it back to Mr H tomorrow morning.

And of course, there was yet another tarot card in the dark depths of the far right corner. You nearly missed it but it caught your eye at the last moment.

At this point, I can't even be surprised.

You took the card. The image this time was that a of a tower, lightning striking it setting on fire, there were two people, a girl and a boy, falling off the tower and down onto the jagged rocks below.

Tarot Card Found

The Tower

(Astrid falls down from a tree and lays limply as some sort of monster mauls her.)

A sudden sound exploded in the distance and you immediately whipped your head back, startled.

What the fuck?

The same sound resonated again, louder than the first time. You flinched, before swiftly moving out the tent.

Sounds like something just exploded, like a gun or a firecracker or..

Stepping outside was accompanied by two familiar faces, a wheelbarrow full of party supplies and a sweet voice calling out.

"Special delivery!"

"You scared me half to death, Em, Jake." You started walking towards the two as everyone surrounds them. "what even were those? Fireworks or-" you were cut off immediately as both of you and Kaitlyn noticed the quite sizeable gun resting in the wheelbarrow.

Woah what the fuck, where'd they even find that?! That doesn't seem too safe for a group of teenagers out alone at night?!

Kaitlyn acted before you in speaking.

"whoah, whoah, whoa! Where'd the hell did you find that gun from?"

"Yeah, that's not something we should be screwing around with."

"Uh- dude relax!" Jacob reassured. "It's not even real!"

You gave the boy an incredulous look, the gun looked very much real to you.


"Well- I mean, it's a real gun but it's just for shooting bears!"

"We found it in the storage room."

Emma supplies helpfully, you and Kaitlyn turned to each other, keeping the same disapproving looks on your faces.

Are we seriously the only two who see the problem with this?

"When have you ever seen bears here and why would you think screwing around with one of these is a good idea?"

"Okay fine, fine." Jacob lifted his hands up into the air. "We'll put it down."

"Thank you. Guns are no joke, dipshit."

"What she said." You affirmed Kaitlyn before feeling a little bad and softening up. "A for effort though Jacob."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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