Episode One - The Ocean's Call, pt.2

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The stranger's look didn't exactly endure him to Tomo and the whole bizarre air around him just made her more apprehensive. ''Well, I'm glad 'bout that.'' She said, in the most deadpan and unimpressed way possible. ''Who are ya, anyways?''

''I'm the Doctor. Nice to meet you.'' The stranger introduced himself, albeit only by title curiously, and not really answering the question asked.

''A doctor o' what exactly?'' She asked, trying to get more information on the stranger in the suit currently stood in front of her.

The Doctor paused for a moment, caught off guard by the question, before a smile came over his face at the question. Tomo would've described it as ''the cat who'd found the supply of cream'', if she'd been asked to. ''Now there's a question no one asks enough... welcome aboard!''

Before she'd had chance to process what had just been said, the Doctor had gone back inside the police box, and Tomo, out of a sense of morbid curiousity, followed him to the doors of the wooden blue box, continuing her line of questioning through the doors... ''Aboard what? An' who are ya anyway?'' She asked, as she opened a single door, and stepped through the door...

''I told you, I'm the Doctor.'' Came the reply from just out of her line of sight, somewhere behind the large green floating... thing, in the middle of the room. In confusion at what she was seeing, Tomo struggled to do much other than keep to her line of questioning...

''That 'ent a name, that's a title...'' She stated, as she looked around the room. She could've sworn that box didn't lead anywhere behind it, other than a brick wall, but then again, that green glow had to be coming from somewhere, right? Confused by the strange lighting, she took a step through the doors...

...and almost immediately stepped back outside it again. ''Wha- that's... it's... what!?'' Tomo was an open minded person, or at least she considered herself so anyway, but this was just impossible. The room she'd stepped into had to have been at least five times larger than the area where the box was, and there was absolutely no way that an entire central tower, filled with glowing, green... stuff, and the stone supports around it, plus the stairs below, could've fit there! There was literally no imaginable way that she'd seen that, unless... ''Ahh, I get it now.'' She walked back through the doors, grinning as she did so. ''Yer a magician, ent ya!'' She had to admit, even if he had the air of a show off about him, that she was impressed by the effort he'd gone to in this not so little rouse...

'Magician!?'' The Doctor, on the other hand, certainly didn't look impressed as he poked his head from around the large tower in the centre. In fact, he looked positively scandalised! ''I'm not a magician!''

''Well what else could ya be?'' She asked, as the thoughts in her mind came together. The girl gave The Doctor a knowing grin, as she lent on one of the handrails... ''Ohh, yer a doctor of engineering, ent ya!''

The Doctor looked over with a look that could only be described as getting frustrated... ''I'm not a... oh, never mind.'' He thought briefly about giving an explanation of the concept of the five dimensional quantum engineering that went into growing a Type 40 TARDIS, and then decided against it. There really wasn't enough time in the universe to explain that to this girl... ''You came looking for me?''

''Yeah.'' Tomo's tone became much more sombre as she carried on. ''My friend, he's kinda disappeared.''

The Doctor shrugged. ''People go missing all the time. They come back all of the time too.''

''From a coma? In a hospital, under constant watch?'' Tomo raised an eyebrow at the Doctor, who suddenly appeared far more interested by that development. ''There's summat goin' on, Doc.''

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