Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"Stop doing that! You're starting to stress me out!" Deputy Pelton snapped.

"What the hell am I supposed to do? Our boss locked himself in a burning log cabin and we're just standing here!" Falcon returned the attitude.

She started pacing in the front yard. She couldn't stop herself. She tried to take deep breaths. She tried counting to ten. Nothing was working.

"He'll be fine, he knew what he was doing."

"He ran into a burning building!" She felt like she was going to lose her mind.

She was afraid to lose Sheriff Winston. Even though he hadn't been the sheriff of Brimington for long, he had been incredibly kind to her. He often stopped in her office to briefly chat.

She had transferred over from another police department. Unlike Deputy Pelton, he had been a normal patrol officer. He was promoted to a deputy role after everything fell apart with the old deputies.

At the last police department, Falcon was the only female patrol officer. After experiencing harassment from other patrol officers, she quit and promised herself she was done being an officer.

Leaving the force left a gaping hole in her heart. Of course, she hated being harassed all the time, but she missed her job. She missed taking criminals off the streets. It made her feel like she was doing something good with her life.

When she was sent information, by a friend, about Brimington hiring a deputy, she hesitated. Deep down, she was afraid there would be more harassment. So far, she hadn't experienced that.

She started a week before Sheriff Winston. When they met, he informed her that if she needed anything, she could come to him. The role of Brimington County Deputy was like a breath of fresh air for her.

She heard a few stories about Winston now and then. She wanted to hear more. She wanted to learn from him. She wanted him to be a mentor to her. That wouldn't happen if he was dead.

"If he's not out within the next three minutes, we'll go in through the side door. We'll use the cement block and shatter it. Give him time to do what he needs to do. I can guarantee you, he didn't run in there blindly." Pelton attempted to reassure her.

Falcon had stopped her pacing. Instead, she was staring at the cabin with tears in her eyes. Pelton wished she went back to her pacing. He didn't like seeing anyone cry. "The fire department should be here soon anyway," he added.

"Okay," Falcon's voice came out softly. She crossed her arms over her chest and folded into herself.

She searched for Winston's figure in the windows. She couldn't spot him. It made her worry more. The fire was spreading rapidly. What if he was in the back and caught up in the fire? What if he collapsed from smoke inhalation?

What if…?

What if…?

What if…?

There were so many thoughts running around Falcon's head. None of them were good. They all ended with Winston dying. She gnawed on her lip and tried to change her thought process. Winston was going to get out of the cabin. He was going to be fine.

For her sake, he had to be.

_ _ _

Winston knew it was irrational, but there was no time for rationality. He was in a hurry when he entered the house. He knew there was a video camera on the kitchen counter.

He had ignored Marina Falcon's objections from the other side of the locked door. He had no idea how to work the camera. He pressed the on button and the record button. He prayed it would work out.

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