Author's Note

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Happy Halloween demons, ghosts, goblins, and ghouls!!

(If you're reading this and it's not Halloween, Happy Belated Halloween.)

If you've made it this far, congratulations!! You have successfully finished reading my second story. Thank you for reading it. It's really nice to have people read my stories. Feel free to comment your thoughts down below. (Go back and vote if you haven't done that yet, please 🙏) If you want to read more by me, check out my profile. I have another story about a zombie apocalypse.

While writing my last story, I had covid. During this story, I caught covid twice. My brain turned into a piece of jello and I swear I lost some brain cells along the way. Due to that, I hope this story made sense because I've forgotten a lot along the way.

I thought of this story last year during a random night. To place myself in Denise Houghton's shoes, I tried to stay up for as long as possible. I didn't come close to staying up a hundred and sixty hours. I only made it to forty-nine hours, but it made me realize the importance of sleep.

Sleep deprivation hallucinations are no joke. They can be terrifying. Please do not attempt to stay up for as long as possible. I don't want you to lose your mind and start questioning reality.

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Stay tuned because there will be another story. I'll post a message to my page when it's ready to be released. If you follow me, you'll automatically receive a notification when I post it.

I wish everyone nothing, but the best. Drink more water and don't skip meals. Take care of yourselves the best you can and please, please, PLEASE try to get yourselves on a proper sleeping schedule if you're not already.

Until the next story,

🖤 Lie 🖤

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