II- Catching up

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The road was beginning to blur as Mike shifted in and out of consciousness. The realization of the severity of the situation still hadn't sat in. He and Hunter both sat in silence as the car barreled down the road. Mike wasn't sure if the lady next to him was asleep, but he didn't have the energy to ask. It felt like they had been driving for days, and maybe they had, he had no clue.

"Hey," he finally heard a voice ask.

"Hmm?" Is all he could manage to mutter.

"Where am I?" The woman next to him asks and he grunts in annoyance. Now was not the time for him to babysit someone that had managed to survive an apocalypse drunk.

"In my car, clearly. Location-wise? Not a clue". Mike responded coldly. The lady puffed and put her bare feet on the dashboard.

"Feet down"

"Come on really?" She said rolling her eyes.

"My car my rules," he says focusing on the road.

"Okay grandpa. Are you going to tell me what's going on or not." She says folding her arms slowly losing patience. She couldn't determine at this point if she was safe or not. She knew the dude and his wife, vaguely, but at this point her anxiety was heightened.

"Long story or short?"


And so he told her. Not leaving a single detail out. Going from the very beginning of his night, to the end when he lost his beloved wife. The wound was still fresh but letting out the story to another person closed it up just a bit.

"Holy shit," is all Hunter could get out as the two continued to drive. At this point in time is when Mike realized he was nearly out of gas. Living somewhat in the outskirts of Arizona allowed them to travel for miles without seeing a soul which was good in its own rights- especially due to the circumstances. Until now.

"Umm buckaroo- looks like we need some gas,"

"Yeah clearly," he said scratching his head.

"Do you have any clue where we are?" He asks looking at her briefly.

"I can see if my phone works, I mean I doubt everything shut off that quick," the woman begins swiping through her phone and manages to get some service.

"Hell yeah! Gas station 3 miles away,"

"Okay good I think we can manage that."

"So... why were you in my car?" Mike asks the question he'd been wanting to hear ever since he saw her face.

"Do you want the long story or short?"


"Well... I was out partying, ya know, the usual. I think someone slipped me like some molly or some shit- no clue. So I thought I was having a major bad trip and was roaming around the town trying to find my way home. I started seeing shit, freaking the fuck out and just pulling on car doors to get in. And fortunately this one was unlocked. Shabinggg." She says laughing a little to herself.

"I'm glad one of us was so lucky," he responds annoyed.

"How did they not catch you?" The man asked perplexed.

"No clue. I mean is it a sight issue?"

"No, they found me and my wife inside my house," he responds shaking his head.

"Maybe it's smell or something I don't know. I'm notoriously bad about forgetting to wear like perfume and shit," she said awkwardly scratching her head.

"No... wait. Wait. Ellie had stepped on something.... And then it felt like the things immediately spotted us. Like the whole house started shaking right after..."

"So what you think they're like vampires on roids?"

"I mean maybe- have you seen anything in the daylight?"

"No shit... Fuck that makes kinda sense... so do you think they like turn into normal people?" Hunter asks with a concerned look.

"Wait surely not?" He asks shocked .

"I don't know man... I mean seems kinda odd we aren't seeing anymore 8 foot monsters,"

"They could be hiding- oh here's the gas station," he says pulling in. Just like that the conversation had become an afterthought.

"You wait in here,"

"What if you need back up?"

"What are you going to do punch the monster?" He asks rolling his eyes.

"I don't know maybe, whatever I'm coming."

"If you say so."

They both get out of the car and head to the gas-pump.

"Looks like it works," he says about to put in his card.

"Are you really going to pay for gas, we're literally in an apocalypse."

"I mean yeah... What other way is there?" He asks looking around.

She starts walking towards the gas station and the man follows behind swiftly. She walks inside and looks around quickly, not a soul in sight.

"I used to work at a gas station." She says stepping behind the counter punching in codes behind the register.

"Grab a gas can, I'm gonna hook us the fuck up," she says smiling.

"Yes ma'am."


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