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I step in front of Abel. "Paul, stop."

Abel's hair whips around in the nonexistent wind as he approaches us.

"This will end, Aria." Paul growls.

Abel frowns. "Aria? Her name is not Aria."

My eyes look heavenward before looking back at him. "I might've lied about my name."

Paul snorts. "We can just add liar to the list of things. you are."

"You're one to talk. What do you want from me, Paul? I'm not perfect. I never said I was a saint. I don't know why he fell in love with me, but he did. Get over it." I snap.

Paul sends me flying. My back slams into a tree. I yelp with pain.

Abel runs over to me. "Are you OK?"

I nod with a groan.

"How did he do that? What is happening?" Abel shouts over the increasing wind.

"Not now, Abel." I grit and send a flash of lightening towards Paul.

A bubble of yellow energy appears around him.

I stagger to my feet and push Abel towards his house. "Go inside and keep Beth and Rupert safe."

"I cannot--"

My legs give out from under me. Something tugs on my leg, dragging me away from Abel. The dirt tears at my skin as I try to grab onto something. Abel jumps onto the ground and grabs onto my hand. I hold on as best as I can. His other hand grabs onto the water pump. I grunt at the sharp tug on my lower body.

"Let her go!" Paul growls.

Abel cuts his eyes at Paul. "Leave her alone."

He has no idea he's making it worse. This chaos was a product of our love, a marriage with Beth and Beth's toxic anger and jealousy.

Images of Carlton invade my mind. He's dead. I can't lose Abel again.

Tears swim in my eyes. "Abel, let me go."

Another hard tug yanks on my body. I wince. Abel's holds onto me tighter.

I look up at his straining face.

"Abel, look at me." I shout.

His eyes meet mine.

"You have to let me go." I don't know what I'm referring to. Letting his hold on me go or just forget me all together.

"No." His eyes narrow at me. "Are you mad?"

"Let go!" Paul roars.

"You have to listen to me. It's OK." I beg.

"Stop saying that," Abel says through clenched teeth, trying to pull me closer.


A yank finally tears me away. I fly through the air with a scream before falling hard to the ground. I gasp like a fish out of water, trying to get air into my lungs. Paul stands over me.

"It's going to be amazing to kill you twice."

I close my eyes.

"Good bye--"

There's a thud beside me. I keep my eyes closed for while, waiting for something to happen.

Silence sweeps through the air.

"You're a terrible liar." Abel pants.

I peek an eye open to see him bent over, resting his hands on his knees.

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