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After seeing Beth's face ghostly pale, black hair limp and plastered to her face, I knew something was wrong.


I can't have anything happen to her. I care for her too much.

I take off into the woods once I know Beth is cared for. I push my legs harder than I ever have to save my life, my love, my Aria.

How could she be struck on such a sunny day?

I fear for what sign this brings us.

I'm the one who showed Aria the meadow. I knew she'd love it. We would race all the way there and collapse on the hill while watching the clouds past us.

I kissed her there once.

Her face grew unimaginably red. It was adorable.

I love her for being different from the rest of the girls. She was daring and honest. I can't lose her.

The meadow comes into sight. On the hill, her body is folded into the fetal position. I run faster and approach her hesitantly.

"Aria?" I breathe.

Her sweet face is ghost like. I touch her face. It's clammy. I don't know whether it's from sweat or tears.

Dear, God, she's hurting.

I don't want to move her, but there isn't any other choice. She needs to see the apothecary, Rupert. He should know how to heal her. I scoop her up gently and carry her in my arms. I try to move as fast as I can without hurting her.

She cries out in pain every once in a while. Some times she'll mumble something. I keep moving. When I finally made it to the outskirts of my plantation, Rupert, my father, and Aria's family waits for us.

Aria's mother, Goodwife Shaw gasps and breaks down in tears. Aria's brother, Christian holds her to give her comfort. His own face shows his distress. Goodman Shaw rushes over to me to take her from me.

"No! Let him take her to the outbuilding. She's been moved enough." Rupert orders.

I'm relieved for the excuse. I wasn't going to let her go. Rupert instructs me to lay her on a pile of hay. Rupert kneels by her side. Everyone gathers around us. I hold Aria's hand as Rupert checks heart, her eyes, her ears and her mouth.

"She's alive." He informs us.

We all let go of our breaths with relief.

"However, it's as if she's in a deep sleep."

Goodwife Shaw bursts into another fits of tears. Christian takes her out side.

"Will she wake up?" Goodman Shaw asks quietly.

We all look at Aria then at Rupert.

He stares at Aria grimly. "Only God knows..."

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