Chapter 10

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    After Dimitri left the orphanage for the night, he began to walk to his hotel to rest for the night. He didn’t know what to even think about what just happened. All that kept rushing through his head, was that although that was his first kiss and it was quite nice, that she wasn’t the one he wanted it with. She is a sweet girl. Maybe a little off, but that's not her fault. Just those feelings that kept rushing through couldn’t be silenced and he just felt like he truly loved Annabelle. Maybe it was just a first crush type of deal, but no girl, not even Clair has ever made him feel that way. Or maybe he was supposed to love her, but she wasn’t supposed to love him he thought. Maybe I truly am not supposed to be happy in love. Sweet Love.

After a kind of long walk, he finally arrived home. That day was quite busy, so he ended up staying there all day, even though he planned on staying just a few hours. He was tired, but even so, he still couldn’t stop thinking about that kiss. It was so warm and soft. It felt safe and comforting. But every time he thought about it, his mind always led him back to Annabelle. After about two hours of cooking himself something and thinking even more, he finally got into bed to sleep the thoughts off. As he slept he had a dream, just like all the others, it felt sad. He couldn’t bear the pain he felt in this dream, but even so, he had to push on.

He woke up that morning to knocking on the door, that kind of startled him, but he quickly jumped up to check and see what was up. When he opened the door, it was a housekeeper that worked there and asked if he needed his room cleaned. He accepted and rushed to get dressed so he could grab some breakfast that he saw on his way home for the kids. It was a nice little bakery, but it had bread that was stuffed with some meat and cheese. He bought 18 of them for the kids as well as him, Amy, and of course Clair. He walked on over to the orphanage, as the sun was shining beautifully that day. It was about time when everyone was awake, so he wasn’t worried about waking anyone.

As he arrived, he saw two of the boys outside playing with their wooden horses together. When they saw Dimitri, they both brightened up and ran inside to tell the others. Quickly after all the kids and Amy came out to say hello, right after Clair came out after and when they looked at each other, Clair grew a huge smile and Dimitri smiled back as the kids started to grab his legs.

He then looked at Amy and said softly, but louder than the kids, “I brought some breakfast for you guys and the little ones. I heard it’s really good.”

Amy smiles and replies, “aw you didn’t have to, but thank you. Alright kiddos, please line up and we will pass the food out to you all.”

She smiles at Dimitri one more time then grabs a bag as the kids line up.

They all grabbed a stuffed bread and all stood around outside to take in the breeze. Amy grabbed one and said she had some paperwork to get done. As she left inside, Dimitri then looked at Clair as he gave her one and asked if she’d like to sit with him. They both sat there as the kids ate and played around. Clair still looked nervous around him, but also seemed safe next to him. They finished eating and they went to the back of the orphanage to get ready for some arts and crafts. Dimitri began to cut some of the wood for the kids as they started to draw what they wanted to make. Dimitri, every once in a while, would look up and see Clair as she helped the kids draw what they wanted. She truly was a beautiful girl, but for some reason he couldn’t click the same way when he sees her like he sees Annabelle. They all had fun making their art pieces, while Clair and Dimitri stayed together. All of their creations looked amazing. Some were cool looking monsters, some were flowers and some were little toy weapons.

After about four hours of watching the kids craft and helped around the place, he finally started to leave. But before he went, he asked Clair and Amy if he could take Clair out for a couple of hours, just to hang out. Amy looked at Clair all excited and with a happy smile, allowed her to go with him. The two then went off to go explore. Dimitri followed Clair because he didn’t really know the place.

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