Author's Note

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Dear Readers,

Welcome to those who are new! To my old readers, thank you for coming back again! I hope you will love this book as much as you loved 'Arranged Marriage.'

First and foremost, the most important announcement: The first chapter of this new book titled Home: One word, Unending Journey will be released on 3rd November or on Second, if I can find the time on my birthday:)

Secondly, I will try and update once every three days. I don't want to commit too much and underperform. So, maybe there will be times when I update consecutively but I will try my best to not let three days pass without any update.

Moving on, my first book was about building a relationship and all of you were sweet enough to love it so much but there were still aspects of love that I wanted to explore deeply but didn't get the space too.

As a result, this book will revolve around three relationships and that's the most I want to say about it now. As the book progresses, that's when I want to divulge into the details... Keep a little bit of surprise for you this time around. I will update the story description too on 3rd November itself.

This is just me thanking you for all your love on the last book and praying that this book meets with the same kind of love.

As some of you know, I work in Publishing. So, some days are going to be harder than others with events lined up and books to edit. In those days, I hope you forgive me. I hope to make your days a bit better if you are going through a hard time and make it a little safe space or escape place for you.

In a similar vein, about the content warnings, I will give warnings in advance for Mature scenes. But please note that there will be a lot of conversation around heartbreak and past trauma. But, since I myself am quite sensitive to what I read, I will try and be as mindful as I can, to always mention it in a context that makes it an intrinsic part of the story rather than just for decoration sake.

Additionally, I don't endorse the use of alcohol or smoking but literature is always a mirror to society and the fact of the matter is that people do smoke and drink... Some for pleasure whereas others as coping mechanism. I am no one to pass on a judgement on anyone's life choices as everyone has their own story and no one else can really understand that. So, there will be characters indulging in drinking and smoking. Having said that, I don't endorse their usage but neither am I going to shame someone for using them. This is my opinion and it may be wrong but that's how opinions are... I hope you are kind enough to forgive me.

Needless but very important to say, the actions of characters in this book do not in any way reflect the behaviour of real members of the group. This is a Fictional story that has no relation to reality. The coupling or pairings or shippings in this story do not imply that those members are dating in real life. Their real life choices to date or not date any individual are respected and none of my business. Their life, their choices. I can only hope that they have special someone's in their lives who make them smile and feel loved.

Now that all of this has been said... I can't wait for the story to start. Can't wait for uploading the chapter and constantly refreshing my feed to read your comments. I will never forget the messages or comments that were so lovingly written for me. They meant the world to me and in a very hard time in my life gave me the courage to move on. Thank you for keeping my ship sailing. Some mornings I would wake up hating everything but then there would be a comment or a message about how my words changed their perspective on love or how it made them feel better and so on. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You saved me. It is only fair that I return all the love I received. Home is very close to my heart. Please keep it safe.

Thank you once again.

Alisha Verma

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