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To those who have wanted a semblance of home. I hope you get it soon.

'So, you are telling that the most extroverted man I know is really going to have his bachelor party with only his two best friends at his own home without drinks... Just talking?' Jin asked incredulous looking at his best friend of 5 years, Park Jimin.

'Yup.' Jimin said looking down.

'You.. don't act as if this is a normal conversation. What's wrong? Are you not happy with Yoongi?' Jin asked concerned and snuggling closer to Jimin cuddling him tighter.

'Hyung....' Jimin again looked down fiddling with his blanket, inhaling in Jin's scent to calm himself down all the while shaking his leg at a high frequency.

Jin noticed and asked carefully, 'Tell hyung baby.'

'You would make fun of me.' Jimin said his voice barely audible. Jimin practically melted in Jin's body trying to make himself invisible.

Jin considered Jimin's statement. Had he made fun of Jimin in the past? Definitely. Had he been mean? Kind of... But that had been when he had wanted everything extravagant. It was harmless, right?

'Umm... I promise not to? Tell me please? You are getting me worried. I am not used to you acting like Yoongi. Please don't switch your personality with him.' Jin said playfully.

'Pinky promise?' Jimin asked taking his head out of the comforter on his bed.

'Pinky Promise?' Jin replied.

'So, you won't laugh?' Jimin asked again, the fiddling started again. The poor blanket would be threadbare by morning if Jimin continued to be so anxious.

'I promised baby. You can torture me with keeping having to keep Young company if I laugh.' Jin added. Again, in a lighter tone.

'Don't say that. He is fun to be with.' Jimin said suddenly - all out of the blanket trying to be protective of his soon to be husband.

'Yeah. Yeah. Sure.' Jin nodded along.

Jimin pulled the comforter on him again.

'Idontwanttocelebratemylastnightassinglewhenalliwantistobemarriedsobadlyandbehome.' Jimin said in one breath.

'Huh?' Jin replied confused. He hadn't understood a single word.

Jimin held the blanket again and Jin took his hand, forcing him to look up.

'Speak clearly now.'

'I don't want a grand party on my Bachelor's. There is nothing to celebrate. I didn't love my life before Yoongi. He saved me. I just want to be married and not think about being single. It doesn't make me happy. I just want to be with you and Taetae and be grateful for the life I have. Without people, without liquor....with my two best people talking about how much I love Yoonie. I guess, I want to be me. Not put on a show. Not perform the role of being someone else. Just Jimin. Yoongi's Park Jimin for the last day before I become Min Jimin.' Jimin spoke softly.

Jin smiled, 'I am proud of you baby.'

'You don't think it's cheesy and stupid?' Jimin asked raising an eyebrow.

'No. I get you. If I had someone love me as much Yoon loves you and you him... I would have kidnapped him and married a long time ago. You got too much patience kid. It's not easy to have the kinda love you both have these days.' Jim  said and stroked Jimin's hair, covering him properly with the blanket and running soft fingers across Jimin's scalp.

'You seriously not going to say I am being a wuss and stupid and that I should have strippers hanging around me the last time I can.' Jimin sat up with a renewed vigour.

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