Vampire Kylo | Reylo AU

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Happy Halloween!! This short story was inspired by @kyloremus edit of Vampire Kylo and the house from Crimson Peak. I thought they both gave off the same energy. Crimson Peak is one of my favorites this time of year. The cinematic colors of the bright crimson red flush against the black gothic styles are beautiful to me. And a vampire Kylo living in the abandoned ruins of a castle makes sense to me. So here is a gothic vampire, Star Wars Imagines, Reylo AU.


Late 1700's
Set High in the Italian mountains

Ghost Waltz - Abel Korzeniowski
Beckoning - Adam Hurst
Evil Morty - Lucas King

Lighting struck against the sky, lighting up the deserted castle, stuck high in Italy's mountains. It had been abandoned for decades since the recluse owner had died. Mystery shrouded the castle and its late owner. The townspeople would look upon the hill and see the dark turrets, towering into the sky. The vibes that crept upwards onto the stone walls. The screams of agony they would swear they heard from it. And every now and then, they would see a small flicker of light bouncing from window to window. Rumors swirled about the ghosts that lived within its walls. If they only knew that the undead, in fact roamed around its halls.

Rey always felt compelled to gaze up at the castle as she got ready in the morning. She was never afraid like everyone else. More curious than anything. It stood tall in her window. Placed between the mountainside and the sea. She had heard the stories, had heard the rumors that came with the topic of the home. She grew up in its shadow. Always on the forefront of her mind. Always the longing to explore. The deep pull of the unknown. The desire was always there, lingering in the back of her mind. But the knowledge of an abandoned castle that stood vacant and deserted gave her more than enough reason not to.

Descending the small stairs to an open kitchen, Rey gave a smile to Maz. She lived with the medicine woman who helped the soldiers in their tucked away village. Their day always began the same, with men and women coming into the shack, asking for help.

"Are you going to get the herbs on the hill today? I need them for the medicine, Rey." The small elderly woman whispered over her jars. Flowers and green leafs were sprinkled around the high table that stretched out in front of them both. Rey popped a cherry tomato in her mouth and nodded.

"On my way, Maz." She reached for her cream colored cloak of the knob by the door, and her baskets. She would often climb the hill, where Rey would often think about her life. Growing up alone, she felt restless and abandoned. Finding Maz and helping so many people gave her a purpose in life. Rey knew every herb, and bloom that aided and harmed. She was a fast learner, and Maz was now teaching her how to mix and concoct the ointments and tinctures.

Today, the sun was hidden behind dark, stormy clouds. Rey gazed up at the grey sky and wiped a raindrop from her cheek. Letting out a sigh she pulled her hood higher on her head, in anticipation for the coming rain. Stepping onto the path that led through the dense woods and up the hillside. Plucking the buds and stems with ease, her basket soon became full as she climbed the steep mountain finding exactly what she needed. Hours seemed to pass quickly, as her mind quietened and her only thought was collecting.

The rain began to beat down with a steady pace, she realized how high she had climbed. Finally glancing above, she saw the castle before her. She had never ventured this high. The whole day had slipped from her fingers it seemed and walking back down in the storm would take double the time. Rey turned her attention back to the castle. She thought maybe she could seek shelter inside for the night, while the stormy evening passed. Her hesitancy climbing to the overgrown path, should have given her warning about the trouble she was about to encounter. The old road had scraggly branches and weeds winding their way into the rocks beneath her feet. Lightning flashed across the sky and the ground shook from the thunder. Darkness seeped in and the world became hard to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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