chapter 25 (THE END)

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Previously Aladdin Killed zafar and zeher.
Also, adaya and ginu went with Aladdin to zafar's castle to kill his all soldiers.. and they were successful.

Adaya, Aladdin and ginu came back to Turkistan with a smile of satisfaction.

When they entered castle.

Ginie mini came with her questions..

Ginie mini- brother are you fine? Did zafar and zeher got killed? Did you killed thier soldiers ? Are everyone fine?

Aladdin- stop, Ginie mini.

She stopped.

Aladdin- The answer is yes to all questions.
Also, I got to know that yasmine never cheated on me.. I was only a jerk...

Ginie mini- brother how did you got to know...

Aladdin- I was sitting In my room.. Meher came and


(You all have read this in chapter 22)

2 months back when meher came to Aladdin's room*

Aladdin- when you never met her, never saw her, never talked with her, then how you came to know that she is cheating on me.

Meher didn't knew what to answer.

Aladdin- tell me the truth meher.

Meher was scared as hell.


He shouted at her..

Meher flinched.

Meher - I only separated you and yasmine...

Aladdin- why ???

Meher - because I loved you, and you never cared about me...

Aladdin- take your this stupid answer with you, and go back to your city.

Meher - Aladdin please forgive me...

Aladdin- I SAID , GO OUT.

She flinched hard .

Aladdin ordered his soldiers to throw her out and her mom too...

Meher and Mm were kicked out like this.

After meher went

Aladdin- I was such a jerk... I just throwed her out... I didn't listened to her... my own sister told me to believe her, now how can I find her...

He cried his heart out.

After sometime *

Aladdin- no, I will find  my yasmine. But not now ,when I will take my revenge from zafar.


Aladdin- now the only thing is to, find my yasmine...

Adaya- no need to find her...

Aladdin- why??

Ginie mini- because, she is behind you.

Aladdin turned back and saw yasmine standing with a smile and happy  tears..

He quickly ran to her and hugged her...

Adaya- we should leave them alone..

All left ,alasmine alone...

Yasmine- where were you... I missed you so much.. you just left me like that... why you didn't believed me.

Aladdin- please forgive me my love. I will never do that again..

Yasmine- ok, I forgive you.

Saying like this ,she again hugged Aladdin.

Yasmine- Never leave me.

Aladdin- I will never leave you..

They broke the hug.

Aladdin- I want something from you.

Yasmine- what ?

Aladdin- a kiss.

Yasmine blushed hard..

He smashed his lips on her...

Then they married after 1 week and lived happily ever after.......

(Hey guys do tell me, should I open a graphic shop?)

HOPE you all loved this story....
I know Aladdin 2 was hell boring.
But I will try something new and better in my upcoming story

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