Chapter 12

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I woke with Randy kissing my shoulder. I turned to him and let out a small hum of bliss. He let out a groan. "Oh god." He buried his face in my neck.

"Hmm?" I turned my body towards him.

"What was that noise?" He didn't raise his head but his ears looked particularly red.

"What noise?" I frowned.

"That hum, oh god It was hot." His hands snaked over my body. I grinned, alright, I have another weapon. I pulled his face out my neck and my grin turned into a beaming smile when I saw his face, he looked wild with lust. "Don't look at me like that." He groaned closing his eyes.

"Oh Randy." I chuckled, what was he like? He was adorable, people didn't know it about him, everyone saw 'Red Randy' but I saw this one, this cute little fucker who was absolutely the centre of my universe.

Not that he would ever know that.

"We have a mission today and if you keep looking at me then we won't make it." He kissed my inner wrist. "Go get ready, K needs to brief us and having you lying here naked isn't helping." He cringed. "I hate that I have to let you go right now." He pulled his hands off me.

I laughed, I wanted him also but I also needed to get my hands bloody. I rolled out the bed, leaving the bed naked, if he wasn't giving me morning sex, I would make it hard on him. I walked casually over to the bathroom... but left the door open slightly. I grinned to myself and got myself ready.

I put on a vest top and a pair of leggings, I wanted to be able to move today... It didn't hurt that it showed off every curve I had. I put my hair in one loose braid down one side. I strapped my handgun to my leg and placed my raptor claw in my boot holster that I had made. I walked out to where Randy was sitting at my table.

I pouted as I noticed his knee diddling up and down. A naughty smile crept on my face; he was frustrated. I put those doe eyes on again. I put my hand on his shoulder. "You ready?" I bit down on my lip to suppress that smile.

"Yep." He stood up and turned to me. "But as soon as this mission is finished, we're coming straight back here!" He grabbed my face. "Straight. Back. Here." He told me, like a demand.

I smiled with a shrug. "Sure." I pressed my lips to his in a quick peck, I let my lips graze across his slowly right after. "Alright let's go." I turned on my heel, my heart felt like a wave of pleasure crashed over it, I was taking so much joy in teasing him.

He didn't make a sound behind me, but I was dying to see his expression. I couldn't help myself; I peered back at him, and he looked shocked, his eyes wide and his mouth lightly parted. His dark eyes looked so taken aback but as soon as his eyes met mine, he narrowed them.

"I knew it!" He walked over to me. "I knew you were doing this on purpose!" He stalked after me. I let out a giggled yelp as I dashed down the stairs and out my door. I knew K liked to brief in the garage, so I ran for it, thankfully I had spent the last few years running as exercise because I was faster than him now. I made it in the briefing before him. I stopped beside April who turned to me in shock at my entrance.

She turned to see Randy enter the garage in a similar fashion and then gave me a small smirk. She wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

K was chatting on the phone at the other side of the garage. Randy stopped beside me and gave me a little glare. "So what's happening?" Randy turned back to the boys around the table.

"Well stray Pharoah's are trying to regroup." Taco's eyes flickered between Randy and me. I stifled a smile, he was catching on.

"So we're on a hunt?" Randy's eyes sparkled.

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