Chapter 41

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I rushed up the road to find the gate wasn't opening.

"Ray! RAY!" Ramee yelled from behind me frantically.

"He's going to kill them!" I snapped back as I began climbing the gate. I grunted as I heaved myself over the height of it. I dropped to the concrete with a huff. I began sprinting up into the compound. Shots were firing as I found shelter behind a wall. I turned back to see Ramee helping Taco to get over the gate. I cursed at the clumsiness. I turned back and peeped around the corner.

The shots were coming from the Mandem on their balconies... They were shooting at one small space, it was behind the other side of the building... Rage burned inside me like hell itself had swallowed the earth.

I could almost smell the sulfur.

I heard Taco drop to the ground behind me and Ramee passing guns through the bars. As Taco began over to me with them, Ramee climbed the fence. Taco placed a pistol in my hand. I didn't use guns quite as well as I did a knife.

"You ready?" Ramee pressed his back against the wall beside me. "Ray you're the smallest target, you get to Randy and K with these." Ramee began strapping guns to me on various straps and hooking a radio to my shoulder. I nodded psyching myself up. Protect, protect, protect!

"Okay go!" Ramee ordered.

I rolled across the opening into the pool area. Getting behind the low shrubbery. No one was even paying attention to this area, I was pretty sure I could get there with next to no notice. I crawled down towards the other side.

Then Ramee and Taco started open firing behind me. Good, more attention to them, the easier I could get to Randy and K.

I rounded the little corner and I could see them! Randy sat with his hand on K's stomach, while he was pressed against the wall. He looked crazed, slick with sweat. His red hoodie soaked around the collar.

"Randy!" I hissed just loud enough for him to hear me.

His eyes snapped over to me as did his gun. Once recognition registered on his face his shoulders slumped.

"Ray..." He almost collapsed.

I pounced out of my position and rolled into his legs. He pulled me up and wrapped one arm around me and held me against him tightly. "I thought-"

"I know, I can explain everything." I nodded as I unloaded the guns from my body. "Even this." I gestured around us. I turned to K with a smile and the smile fell. He was also coated with sweat but... He was pale and his head was bobbing. I looked down to see what Randy was holding.

He was trying to put pressure on K's wound...

K was shot.

"Fuck!" I dropped all my weapons and took over for Randy so he could focus. I buzzed in the boys. "K is shot, it's not good." I pressed down on his wound as Randy took his hand away to gather the guns.

'Aww fuck... Erm okay, I'll figure this out.' Ramee was panicking, it was so blatant in his voice.

"Uh must I do everything!" Randy leaned into the radio. "Get Anto with the van, Ray will get K to the back gate, it's locked so bring chain cutters!" Randy ordered as he loaded his gun.


Ramee was much better at following, leading didn't suit him. I pulled K with all my strength up to his feet. His breathing was seriously labored. Oh god not K. Not my dad.

"C'mon K, we're gunna get you to a hospital." I assured him with my softest voice. I needed him to survive, he had to survive!

Anto arrived at the gate moments later, the van behind him was armored. Where the hell did that thing come from? K's blood was in a puddle around our feet, his full weight resting on my shoulders. Anto cut the chain and helped me get K in the van.

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