Q&A with the author and her characters!

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So... A few of you have actually sent questions to me for this. Thank you Thank you Thank you! I really appreciated it. This way, I feel connected to my readers - and the feeling is indescribably special. 

Without further ado, let's begin! 

fasiyath :

"Ozzy reminds me of someone I am very close to. Who did you have in mind when you wrote Ozzy as a character? And as for Ozzy, how does it feel being the shortest but smartest out of the 3 of you triplets?"

Me: To be very honest, Oscar is one of the very few characters of mine who is at least 90% based on me. Being stuck in the middle of my siblings, I do have the same conflicts as he does most of the time. The way he has silent observations and unseen research is inspired by one of my close friends. His logical thinking is 100% my mom :)

Ozzy: I do feel a little bitter about it, but hey, you can't get anywhere without thinking before you act! I guess I can use my head to turn my weakness into an ironic strength. Besides, there's no shame in being short - Player is 4"10 and she's a good writer!

FANtasitic_world :

"My Q is for Ace: How is it like being the only girl in your squad (triplets + Dewey)? And as for Player: I hope we get to see a few short stories on the way... (because "George" was *chef's kiss*)"

Me: I'm trying to squeeze out some writing flow for those. Insha Allah, you'll see new additions very soon!

Ace: Thank Everything Magical that I'm not one of my brothers! Their habits are... Hexes, I'll spare you from details. It's great being a girl amongst my pack because I do have an additional way of thinking, and that (maybe) helps during our adventures. It sure is lonely sometimes, but I wouldn't change it for anything! (Plus, I get to create excuses that include "complex girl problems" to slip away from most trouble!)

MariyamMishkaWajeed :

"What was your inspiration behind this book? And what was your motivation to start writing?"

Me: Well, I don't really have much inspiration to start a plot. It sort of just comes to my head. But Chasing Phantom's settings, scenes and characters are all inspired by people and places in my life. As for motivation to actually start putting my ideas on paper (docs, actually), I wanted to give my younger brother something cool to keep himself busy during lockdown. I never actually started writing before that - just short stories as seventh grade English assignments. He and my other siblings have pretty much motivated me to keep going.

My younger brother asked:

 "Player, what state of mind were you in when you wrote this? And the triplets, what's it like to be royalty? Finally, Mason. I love the way you took your tragic past as an opportunity to grow. What's your advice for people with similar social struggles?"

Me: Not a stable state for sure!

Ace: Well, with all the crowds and werewolves at your feet it can get sometimes annoying.

Ozzy: And burdening.

Axel: But it's pretty luxurious - not to mention so easy.

Mason: Thank you! My advice? Uh... "when opportunity does not knock, build door"

And finally, my twin (who stubbornly refuses to get an account until I finish this Casing Phantom) : 

"Dewey, I sort of ship you with Ace. How does that go with you? And Player, what's it like to have such a fabulous twin?"

Dewey: Uh... *glancing at Ace, not to mention sweating profusely* I'm not sure?

Ace: Don't answer that. *totally not blushing*

*Player has ignored the question* 

That's all the questions I have for now! Once again, thank you so much. Hopefully next time, I get more questions. I had way too much fun answering them (obviously didn't pretend like I was a "celebrity") 

Stay Safe and Cozy Always, 

❤ Player

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