2: knowing.

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changbin stayed up all night, watching over jisung.
he was worried about the younger.
he didn't understand how jisung could explain something so horrible, so calmly.
then again, he didn't really know much about jisungs past.
now that he thought about it, he didn't know much about anyone's.
he decided to put a note on the fridge that called a family meeting in the morning once they all woke up.
the reason he put it on the fridge, cause that is the first place everyone went to when waking up.

as morning came and everyone started to wake up, changbin sat in the living room, bouncing his leg in anxiety. a habit he picked up from his beloved boyfriend.
once everyone was awake, and saw the note, they all gathered in the living room.
the youngest ones we're sat in the floor watching the tv before changbin shut it off.
everyone suddenly turned to him with a confused look.
"hyunjin. how long have you and felix been together?" changbin asked.
"uhm a few years."
"how well do you know him?"
"like the back of my hand.. i know that he picks the cherries out of milkshakes and places them on jisungs plate when he's not looking cause-"
changbin interrupted him.
"whyd he run away from home?"
hyunjin froze at the question.
the reality was, he had no idea, he never asked.
"minho, whyd seungmin run away?" changbin asked, catching the order off guard.
"chan i think you're the only person who knows their significant others past, but not only that. how well do we really know each other? none of us in this room knows why hyunjin was the already living in the warehouse. no one knows why he let all of us stay. know one knows fucking anything about anyone. does that not scare you even a little?"
everyone just stared at changbin, unable to answer his question.
no matter how hard they thought, they couldn't seem to come up with an answer.
because, changbin was right. they had absolutely no clue about each other. they only knew small portions.
not as much as they should.
sure, they still all know and love each other, but none of them know what makes them, them.
none of them know why minho does drugs, why the youngests ran away, why hyunjin lived in the warehouse for three years before jisung came along.
none of them knew anything.
and that scared them.
"uhm.. y-you're right.." minho said, looking at the younger with a sad expression.
"i know. so, i think we should all sit here and talk about it. none of us have work today or tonight, and i think we all need a little trauma dump. because we have lived together forever and we will continue that. it scares me and hurts me a little that none of you know me and i don't know you. and i know you all realize the same thing." changbin said, calmly.
everyone just nodded in agreement.
they needed to let everything out.
they didn't want to admit it, but it had hurt them. it hurt each and every one of them knowing they knew nothing about each other.
they knew each others habits, but not their causes of the way they are.
"who wants to go first?" hyunjin asked.
"i think changbin should.. since he suggested it." jeongin said timidly.
"are you okay with that, bin?" jisung asked, looking at his boyfriend.
"of course i am. i want you guys to know these things. i want to know these things about you. we all need to open up about what's hurting." changbin said, placing his elbows on his knees.
"i come from a really rich family... they never really paid attention to me much. but.. when they did.. it was never the positive kind of attention. yelling at me all the time for small things like grades and dirty dishes. it got to such a point where my dad.. he'd.. he'd hit me. he'd throw me into walls and throw things at my head. they both treated me like dog shit. there was never a good moment with them.not even my mom. so, at 17, i became emancipated. and i moved in with my sister." changbin explained.
"whyd you leave?" seungmin asked.
"uhm.. she took her life. i came home from school one day and i read the note, went to her room and.. th-there she was. hanging from the ceiling fan." changbin took a shaky breath, lowering his head.
jisungs hand finding it's way onto the olders thigh, rubbing small circles on it.
"oh wow.. i'm so sorry, bin." chan said.
"it's okay, im happy now. that's all that matters. i know she'd be proud of me where i am now. who i'm with. my parents blake me for her death, but. i know who caused her to do it. i'm the only one who saw the note. i still have it too." he said.
everyone just nodded.
"what's it say?" jeongin asked, earning a small punch from seungmin.
"you can't ask that."
"it's okay, minnie. i'll tell you guys eventually. but i don't remember what it says. and i haven't read it since that day. i was 18."
"wow. that's.. that's a lot. i'm proud of you for telling us." chan said.
"thanks. what about you, chan?"
chan took a deep breath and sat there for a moment.
"uhm you all know in from australia. but uhm.. now i'm here. my family is back home in australia. when i was 13, they sent me to korea to a boarding school. i thought i was a good kid, but i guess i wasn't good enough. at that school i met a lot of people who got me into bad things. ever since i was 15 i had been selling drugs. got arrested once for it, but was let go because i was sixteen. i stopped when i met innie." chan explained.
everyone nodded their heads, taking in the new information.
"did you ever do hard drugs?" jeongin asked.
"yeah. i did. but i stopped. i never really liked them. i also quit, cause i was risking my life without making any money from it." chan said, pursing his lips into a thin line.
"i guess it's my turn." minho said, sighing.
"you don't have to go yet, if you're not ready." seungmin said, holding his boyfriends hand.
"no, it's okay. you all need to know. uhm. my parents died when i was young. and my grandparents didn't want me to go into the adoption center, so they took me in. they didn't like he way i acted, the people i hung out with. so i said fuck them and acted out even more. got into drugs, they treated me like shit even more. kicked me out after verbally abusing me for three years. then i stayed with friends. did more drugs. met seungmin when i nearly overdosed on the side of the road. i would've died that night if it weren't for him." minho said, kissing the back of the youngers hand, causing him to smile.
"what about you, hyunjin?" changbin asked.
hyunjin just froze at the words. what did he want to say? he didn't want them to know everything but, then again, they needed to know. and it was only fair.
"uhm, my father, he's a cop. you all know. my sister always got the attention. ever since mom died, she's always been the favorite. i was treated like shit. fought with my dad all the time, so i got into crazy shit, like drinking and smoking. since he was a cop, punishments were a lot more harsh. until, after a party one day, someone overdosed. since i was the one hosting the party, i had to kick all the intoxicated people out and call the police. i can't remember if my dad was there or not, but word spread fast enough to him to where he kicked me out. thankfully, i had a job at the time and i had enough saved up for a warehouse home from jackson. i lived here alone. i was lonely. for a long fucking time. dad found me, told me the kid died."
"what'd he do?" felix asked.
"he shot me."

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