chapter 1

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It was a normal morning like any other. I was sitting outside with my best friend lianne. When he walked up I had noticed once before that he has beautiful hazel eyes and from his looks he was an angel but in reality he was the devil. He even had a 66.6% tattoo on his chest and damn he looked good shirtless.
“Hey, Sarah, haven’t seen you in the gym recently. Where have you been?” silas says to me
Lianne gives me a look which is basically her saying is this guy really talking to us but also omg this guy is talking to you.
“Oh yeah I have been really busy with training at the barn sorry.” I say in response, trying to keep a straight face.
The gym, a wonderful place to blow off some steam. Normally I just put in my ear buds and ignore the rest of the world. I had seen him there a couple times while I was on the treadmill but never really thought anything of it.  I guess he has noticed me a lot. 

“Well um i guess i got to get to class maybe i'll see you soon.” he says

“Yeah I'll see you around.” i say as he walks away
It took 10 seconds after he walked away before lianne started giggling
“What” i say in an omg why kind of tone.
“‘I'll see you around my love’” lianne says in a mimicking voice
“‘No i'll see you around my darling'’' she says trying to sound like a guy.
“Stop, it's not like that he probably just wanted to make sure i was ok because i do normal go to the gym, plus he's an ass and not my type.”
Which was true, he was the opposite of my type. I liked tall guys,like 5'8, and he was only 5'6. And I liked thick fluffy brown hair which I guess silas has. I like guys with trucks, silas has a white convertible miata and he was so bitchy. Ok, maybe I'm just making up reasons to hate him.
"Oh yes the fluffy hair brunette with a tattoo and green eyes so not you type" lianne says sarcastically
"He has hazel eyes for your information and shut up" I say will elbowing her
"Oh silas I love you hazel eyes there so dreamy" she says in a dreamy movie voice.
"You're not funny" I say grabbing my stuff to walk to class
"I think it's hilarious," she says, grabbing her stuff and following.

The rest of the day was normal boring classes then I met Lianne out in the parking lot next to her blue mustang conveniently parked right next to my red Ford f-150. She loved her mustang. She was a big car girl and she did photography mostly of cars.
"So I heard silas was throwing a party this weekend" lianne says to me
"Oh is he good for him"
"We should go" She says all egger
"No he didn't invite us, that would be weird. We can't just show up at a random party we weren't invited to."
I say to her in my why this tone
"Oh and since when were you the mature responsible one we all know what you were doing last weekend with April's brother." She says, rolling her eyes.
So April was this girl I mentored and trained in horseback riding. She is 12 and her brother is 16 and he is hot so maybe one thing happened between us but that is besides the point.
"Lianne we can't if I get invited I'll text you but I'm not just showing up." I say
"Ugh fine, want to race back to my place."
She knows I do my truck has the same engine as her mustang because I'm extra as fuck.
I run and jump in the driver's seat turn the key and yell "see ya there"
I drive off and see her in my mirror racing to catch up.
We finally got back to her place and she was sitting up against her car "told you I would win" she yelled
She cheated, she took the shortcut but I didn't care she was my best friend so I let it slide this time.
"What ever I need a drink." And by a drink I met a bottle of vodka and she knew that.
“Yeah yeah lets just go inside I’m hungry.” I say getting out of my truck and walking to the door. Me and Lianne have been best friends for a long time. We both know each other's families, we even have keys to each other's houses. She is my ride or die.
“Oh, Jake is calling me, let me take this meet you inside.” lianne says, answering her phone.
Jake was lianne’s boyfriend of 3 years he us to live in state with us and go to school with us he is one of our good friends but he moved to florida with has family 6 months ago and lianne has been a little off ever since. They're still dating and he drives up every couples of weeks or she goes down there but charleston is about 7 hours from where he lives in florida so it hard for them. But they love each other and that's what keeps them going. i alway say I want what they have, that's real love.
I walk into her house, go into the pantry, pull out a bag of chips then make myself comfortable on the couch. I could be sitting here while the room is nice, a clam with a designer couch much nicer than mine. Lianne's family had a lot of money and lived in a good neighborhood. I grew up in the hood with a teen mom. Money was always tight. She met my step dad when I was 7 and they got married when I was 10. We moved into a nicer house but still are very careful with our money. Lianne's family had lots of money and nice cars and a big house. Her dad bought her car for her on her 16th birthday last year when we were sophomores. That's what was different between us: her parents gave her her car. I work 2 jobs to pay for mine but that is how it was all work but it was worth it.
“You're going to get crumbs on the couch.” I heard Lianne say from the doorway.
“I don’t think your mom will mind and I will clean it up.” i say.
She grabs a blanket and sits down next to me.
“You better clean it.” she says all muffled because she shoved a handful of chips in her mouth. I laugh.
That's when my phone went off she grabbed it and unlocked it before I could get to it.
“Oh, silas wants to be your friend on snap accept.” lianne says  while hitting a button oh my phone.
“Why would you do that?” i say grabbing back my phone
“You need to get out there more it's been 5 months since aaron cheated on you its time to move on and silas is hot so win.”
She was right. It was time to move on from Aaron. He cheated on me but I had moved on. I just didn’t think silas was the right guy.
“Ugh,fine.” I say knowing I won't win this argument anyway.
I set my phone back down then go back to looking through the tv for a movie.
My phone went off again. It was silas he was texting me.
Silas: heyy
“Ugh, what do I say lianne.”
“Just say hey back add 3 y’s.” she says while peering over my shoulder
Me: heyyy
“Now I'm putting my phone down.”
“No no look he's typing”
Ugh I did not want this to go all night.
Silas: So I'm throwing a party on Saturday. Maybe you would want to come?

I already knew i wanted to say no but lianne was going to make me go
Me: yeah sure why not i'll see you then.

“Oh, silas of course i will come to your party you hot piece of ass.” lianne says again trying to mimic my voice but failing.
“Shut up.” I say elbowing her in the side.
Then my phone went off again except this time it was my mom
“Got to take this.” i say pointing to my phone showing lianne
She gave me a thumbs up then shoved more chips in her mouth.

“Hey,mom, what's up?”

“Hey Sarah, are you going out to the barn today, Artemis needs to be lunged?”

“Yeah mom I was going to head out there soon just hanging out with Lianne for a bit.”

“Ok don’t stay out too late we have the rodeo tomorrow morning till 6 in the afternoon does lianne want to come out at all.”

“Ok mom don’t worry and i'll ask her to see you soon. Love you”

Then she just hung up. I could tell she was still at work so it didn’t bother me. I called my brother to make sure he got home fine , but I needed to head home then take the 4-wheeler to the barn because I had to feed and work all the horses.
“Hey Lianne, I got to head out. I have chores to do, see you soon.” isay while grabbing my keys
“Ok bye sarah.” she yells while shoving more chips in her mouth.
It was a 45 minute drive home from Lianne's house but it was an hour drive from school. I lived far away but I had to commute for school. It was ok. I lived on a farm and went to a nice school so it was all worth it in the end.

I finally got home and unloaded my stuff and brought it inside then went out to the barn to start feeding the horses when I got a snap. It was from silas.
Silas: hey it was nice seeing you today i have missed you in the gym

He missed me. What did he mean by that?
Me: yeah i should hit the gym more often

Silas: dereck and me are going to the gym early sunday maybe you could join us

Maybe I could join them. Does he really want to work out together? You know what I'm doing it, who cares.
Me:yeah sure what time

Silas: 9:00am

Me: ok sounds great see you then.

I put my phone down and went back to work. I got the horse done being fed when my phone went off again.
Silas: hey wyd

Ugh really this was him trying to talk i thought he didn’t like me his friends for sure don’t.

Me: working out at the barn whats up

Silas: not much just in the neighborhood and thought you might want to go get dinner

In the neighborhood he lives 45 minutes away near Lianne, what was he doing up here but I was hungry and finished my chores so why not.

Me: yeah sure i'm at the barn right now so you can take the road all the way down and meet me here.

Silas: cool

Was i really going to dinner with silas the stereotypical bad boy i know so cliche the farm girl and the city bad boy making me want to throw up. Not even 5 minutes later I saw silas miata coming down the road. I quickly ran up to the loft and threw on the shorts and t-shirt I kept up there. I heard him pull up to the barn so I looked out the loft window. He wore a pair of black converse and a blush pink t-shirt with skinny jeans. He looked so hot yet basic at the same time.
“Sarah are you in here” i heard him yell into the barn
“Yes up in the loft be down in a second” I yelled back i quickly grabbed my jacket wallet and keys then walked back down stairs. Silas was sitting up against his car like he was in a movie. It was dreamy yet very dorky. I let out a slight giggle.
He instantly looked up from his phone
“You ready to go” he asked
“Yeah lets do this”
He walks me to the passenger side of the car and opens the door for me
“What a gentleman” I say in my most old English accent. We both look at each other and laugh. He walks around and gets in on his side of the car then pulls out of the spot at the barn and starts driving down the road. As we drive past the main house i see my step dad cleaning his shotgun on the porch i didn’t even tell him i had a date he must have seen silas diving down the road to the barn
“Home by 9” I heard him yell i gave him a thumbs up then me and silas drove off.
    Me and Silas didn’t talk for the first half of the car ride. We just sat there. I put my arm on his center console giving him the chance to hold my hand but he didn’t take it and just sat there. It was honestly nice. It was like nothing needed to be said. We were just happy to be together. Ugh that sounded so sappy was i falling for this guy i barely know. No I can't be, it's just the moment were in is captivating.

it was just a flingWhere stories live. Discover now