chapter 2

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After a long drive we finally arrived at Sweatman's bbq. My favorite place to eat it is where my mom got married to my step dad. I had all my birthdays there so did my brother and my step dad grew up with the owners son. It was my happy place.
We get out of the car and walk inside to go order our food. We get into the line to wait.
“Have you ever been here before it's pretty good” silas says to me
I notice the owners son my step dads friend and my uncle coming over
“Yeah, I've been here before.” i say “hey uncle chase” i say will waving at him
“Hey sarah say hi to you daddy for me.” he says while walking to the back
Yes my daddy though my step dad wasn’t technically my dad he was all i had so i called him my dad and so did all our family and friends.
“So you have been here before.” silas says
“Yeah like one or two times” I say sarcastically with a smile on my face.
We order my favorites a rack of ribs, pulled pork, and potato salad
“ok so, I like you but i don’t do relationships.” he says to me
Oh thank god i don’t do relationships either i kinda just want a good friend.
“Ok that's fine with me i don’t want anything serious either.” I told him while shoving a fork full of pork in my mouth.
“So…what do you want to do now.” he says
“Well we could just be friends with benefits you know.” i say while think it out “oh and no one at school can find out we are anything more than just friends.”
“Ok sounds good but one more thing no feelings if this ends were still cool thats it just friends no drama.” he says looking at me
“Sounds perfect.” i say with a breath of relief.
I take a napkin and a pen out of my purse and write:

1.we have no claim over the other person
2.No one at school can find out that will cause more harm than good
3.And finally its just a fling no feelings when its done its done all good.

“There we go” i say while signing the bottom. I hand him the napkin and the pen.
He gives me a puzzled look.
“What is this.” he says confused
“This is so we both understand what we are signing up for that way there is no disagreement.” i say
“Ok sounds good” he says while sighing it and handing it back
I finish my food  and clean up my plate.
“Hey want to get out of here i know a great spot.” i say to silas
Is he really asking me this am I really about to do this.
"Sure why not." I say confidentiality like I'm not trying to figure out what the fuck I just did.
We pay and leave and walk out to his car.

it was just a flingWhere stories live. Discover now