New Boy in School...And He's a Vampire?! [Chapter Twelve]

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I think I must have been dreaming. Everything was completely silent. Not like no one was talking, like I had suddenly gone deaf. And everything seemed to be black and white. It was kind of like being in an old movie with no sound or color.

But that wasn’t the weird part. No, that was the normal part of this. The weird part was that I was sitting on a gray stone floor that wasn’t cold. I was learning against a gray stone wall that wasn’t cold. I was holding gray steel bars that weren’t cold. But I was shaking with cold. My teeth had to be chattering, but I couldn’t hear them. I couldn’t seem to hear myself screaming either, although I knew I was trying. Vaguely, I could feel the breath coming and going in my lungs. It seemed to be going more than coming.

I wasn’t sure why I was sitting on the stone floor or why I was wearing nothing but a small white dress. It was too tight and short for comfort. I also had no shoes on.

After a while, possibly hours, I noticed that I didn’t appear to be shaking anymore. I was colder now, though. It seemed to have numbed my hands as I hadn’t noticed that they’d slipped off the bars.

I tried to look around me and recognize something but my mind was sluggish and all I saw was gray and black and my white dress. I still couldn’t hear.

After another never-ending time slot, which seemed to go by both slowly and quickly, I looked around me again. Everything was the same, except I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. I tried poking them and was scared when I couldn’t. Then I remembered that I couldn’t feel my hands either. I thought I could hear though. My ears seemed to be ringing a little bit, rather than just nothing. But I couldn’t be sure.

Another few hours passed. I tried to count the minutes. I lost track at twelve seconds.

Eventually I became aware that I was hungry. My stomach rolled uncomfortably and normally I probably would have wrapped my arm around it to keep it quiet. However, not even sure if I had arms anymore, I did not.

After another eternity, but also only seconds, the gray was replaced by only black.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Get up.” A cold woman’s voice answered.Rose Evans.

Delighted that I could hear again, I replied, “Yes, Satan,” in a sing-song voice as I crawled up from the floor.

Something cold and hard hit me across the face knocking me back down.

Someone made a disgusted sound and hauled me up roughly, jarring into awareness enough to realize that I had my eyes closed. I opened them and looked around.

“Well, aren’t you just the devil today.” I muttered cheerfully at Rose. She made no comment and dragged me forward harshly, making me stumble. She didn’t seem to care as she kept pulling me along.

Briefly I wondered where Kaiden was. Then I realized I didn’t know where I was either.

Suddenly there was light and everything went from being gray to being colored. Mostly with red. It shielded my eyes; it was so bright it made them water.

Rose’s arm let go of mine and I stumbled onto the floor completely. She made an impatient noise and I scrambled up. My legs weren’t really working well.

“You know, ma’am, if I may be so bold, she’s not eaten and she’s probably weak.” Came a scared, quiet voice. I thought it sounded feminine.

“No, you may not be so bold. I did not ask for your opinion on the matter.” Snapped Rose before picking me up and pushing me into a couch. Suddenly Charles was there, sitting opposite me on another couch. Rose sat down beside him.

“Do you have a name?” He asked, rather rudely.

I didn’t answer for a moment. Not because I was being stubborn, it just took me a minute to remember it. “Celia.” I replied.

He examined me. “You look like a whore.” He stated. I glanced down at myself. I kind of did, but it’s not like I’d dressed myself in this get-up.

Rose laughed viciously and I didn’t retaliate. I decided not to talk anymore. I’d probably give something important away if I did.

“Well what are we going to do with you?” Charles asked, talking more to Rose than me.

She shook her head. “Kaiden certainly won’t come and get her, not if she’s not the one he wants. And I don’t want to just keep her around in the basement forever....”

She continued talking but I stopped listening. Kaiden won’t come and get me? Not the one he wants?

Was I not the girl from the prophecy then?

“Celia? Celia?” I realized Rose was saying my name in a very annoyed fashion. “Oh forget it. Just take her back to the cell.” She ordered and warm hands picked me up off the couch.

The person was gentle, supporting my weight so I didn’t fall. They helped me sit back down on the cold, gray floor and quietly closed the cell door. I didn’t look up in time to see their face but I caught a glimpse of black heels and soft-looking, tan skin.

I looked around myself again, still not taking anything about the room in. I appeared to be the only person here but there were other cells on the sides of me. I was already shaking from the cold.

Possibly days later, a noise woke me. I was laying with my hands under my head, my knees curled up to my body. I realized I’d been crying in my sleep and hurriedly wiped off my tears.

I looked across the floor, to the cell door, and spotted black heels coming toward me. Looking up I saw a pretty girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a simple black dress that was virtually featureless. Or maybe it was just because everything else in this room was colorless. Everything except her skin. She had a rich, pretty tan.

I looked down at my own skin. It was paler than I remembered. Almost as white as my dress.

“I brought you some food. It’s the best I could bring.” She said quietly, setting a small bowl in front of me. It had no smell and looked like green slush. It was cold. I gulped it down, anyway.

Giving her a grateful smile, I curled back up against the wall. She sat down beside me.

“Are you alright?” She asked. I raised my eyebrows.

Alright? How could I possibly be alright?

She grimaced. “Sorry, stupid question. Just hang in there.” She patted my shoulder lightly and left, taking the bowl with her.

I closed my eyes and eventually drifted off into a painful sleep. My stomach ached with hunger pains and my limbs ached with cold. My dream was also painful, but on a more emotional level.

Kaiden and I were walking around the park back home. There was a girl there and I recognized her as Courtney, the girl Kaiden had saved from the fire. She smiled at Kaiden and ran off. Kaiden chased after her. I called after him, but he kept running after her. Within seconds he caught up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. They fell to the ground, laughing and embracing. Kaiden tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her on the forehead. “You’ll always be my only girl.” He said softly.

I woke up with a start as my legs were dragged forward. My head hit the floor hard and I let out a cry. “Oh, shut up will you.” Rose muttered. She pulled me up painfully by the arms.

“Drink this.” She ordered, handing me a glass of clear liquid. It looked like water, but it was probably drugged or poisoned.

“Shove it up your ass.” I retorted, putting my hands behind my back and pursing my lips tightly. I knew she’d force me to drink it.

She didn’t disappoint. She grabbed me around the neck and squeezed until I gasped and then she shoved the glass into my face and the water ran into my mouth. I swallowed a few mouthfuls accidentally before I could get my mouth shut again.

She let go of me and walked away, dropping the glass in the corner so that it shattered and water flew everywhere.

Within seconds of her departure my eyelids were getting heavy and I couldn’t hold my head up anymore. The water must have been drugged but I didn’t feel bad at all so maybe it wasn’t poisoned.

I fought against the blackness for a few more seconds before my eyes closed completely and there was nothing.

“Well what are we going to do with you?” Charles asked, talking more to Rose than me. She shook her head. “Kaiden certainly won’t come and get her, not if she’s not the one he wants. And I don’t want to just keep her around in the basement forever....”

Roses words echoed around in my head, not really making much sense. I couldn’t seem to form any coherent thoughts.

After a few minutes I succumbed to blackness again. It was just easier that way.

There was a small tug at my arm. It was gentle and warm. I looked up to see the pretty, tan woman looking down at me. “Your presence has been requested.” She whispered. There was a tiny bit of worry in her voice.

I just looked at her and she sighed, hoisting me up. She lifted me until she was practically carrying me and then she helped me out of the cell.

We walked until we came to the bright room and then we went into another room. The woman put me in a chair and left, shutting a door on the way out.

Charles was standing in front of me, leaning on a desk. He appraised me hungrily. “My wife is out, fetching me some food.” He laughed at something that I didn’t understand and then continued. “She’ll be gone a while and I’m hungry so in the mean time, you are going to make yourself useful.” He got up off the desk and came towards me still looking at me hungrily.

I wanted to move away but I couldn’t feel my legs. I couldn’t seem to talk either, so I couldn’t ask what he meant. He explained himself soon though, when he walked over to me and pulled my hair around to one side of my neck.

I found my legs and jumped away, knocking the chair over in panic. He was going to kill me.

He rolled his eyes and laughed walking toward me as I crawled backward. After a second he got bored and suddenly I was being lifted and slammed against the door. I gasped out in pain and he took this as his opportunity to sink his fangs into my neck.

He was not really rough, but it still hurt. It was worse than anything I’d ever experienced and I screamed. I tried to thrash and struggled but I couldn’t feel my body anymore. I wasn’t even sure if I was really screaming or if I was just making the sound in my head.

My body was burning, on fire, only this time it was not a remotely pleasant burn.

It seemed to be a one-sided thing, however. Charles rocked his body against mine, pushing me harder into the door and the handle cut into my side. I would have gasped in pain, and shock, had I been able too. Or maybe I did and didn’t realize it.

All I could feel was the fire, the burning and the extreme pain, particularly in my neck. I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t screaming my head off or crying but I couldn’t figure out how. My mouth wasn’t working, just like the rest of me. Charles rocked his hips against mine, touching me while drank. If I could have, I might have been sick.

Thankfully, it was over soon and blackness enveloped me again. I wasn’t sure if Charles had stopped drinking from me or killed me or what and I didn’t really care. I wasn’t burning anymore, or maybe I was and I couldn’t feel it.

The blank darkness seemed to go on endlessly before I finally woke up. I was in the cell again and it was cold. It was almost a relief, as the last thing I remembered was fire...

I looked around as much as possible without moving my head. Nothing had changed at all except that I couldn’t move again. I tried to pick up my hand, move my foot, turn my head. Nothing at all.

I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t seem to shut up my mind.

Where was Kaiden? Where was Malachi? Surely Malachi cared enough to try to help me. I had thought we were sort of friends. What about Daria? Was she trying to find me at all?

I felt awful, remembering that I hadn’t even said goodbye to her before I took off for New York. I’d probably never get to say anything else to her now and it seemed a very bitter way to leave her. At least she had Matt. He could help her through it if I never got to see her again.

Rose’s words flashed through my mind again. Kaiden cared about me though, didn’t he? He had said that he couldn’t drink from anyone else. I remembered the kisses and what it felt like to have his arms around me.

I must have imagined that he’d liked me too. It made sense. Why would a guy like a Kaiden, a vampire, like a girl like me, a normal, weak human?

I closed my eyes and hummed to myself, pleased to realize I could do that at least. I wasn’t sure what tune it was but I hummed and hummed until finally there was nothing but darkness.

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