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"Randi! Get your scrawny ass in here!"

Meredith was shouting at me for the third time in this hour. What could I of done now? I was honestly up in my room, doing homework when Meredith called me down again.

I jumped down from the top bunk of my shared bed with my sister. Well, used to be shared bed. The day she turned 18, she got the hell out of this place. Don't blame her. When I turn 18, the last place I am going to go is here. Two more years and then I can leave this place too.

Running down the stairs, I come across my mother smoking and handing me a list.

"Walk down the store and buy us the stuff we need."

"Meredith, why can't you do it yourself?" I never call Meredith my mom. She never acts like one, so why call her one.

She smacked me up side the head and growled at me.

"Talk back one more time and I will make sure you don't get into that college you dream about, not that you even have a chance."

I knew I wouldn't win this fight, so I left everything be. Even though I knew she was trying to pick a fight, I wasn't going to fight back. My future is way more valuable than this hag, so I wasn't about to give it up.

Slipping on my old and muddy rain boots, I walked out the door and slammed it shut so that she knew I was pissed.

The grocery store wasn't too far away from our house, if you could even call it that. It was maybe a 10 minute walk, on a good day.

Pretty much everything was 10 minutes away from everything in our town. You never get lost, and you pretty much never have to take a car, unless it's raining. Which is 90% of the time in Oregon.

I checked out the list while I was walking down to the grocery store and realized that it didn't have supplies to buy on it. It had an address as well as a money amount and a date.

And holy shit was it a lot of money. I turned the paper to the back, maybe thinking that it would have a list on it, but reading nothing but blankness.

I turned around and walked quickly back home. I wasn't sure if I was going to let my curiosity take over me, or just let everything be. The second option was probably the most safe, but I wanted to know where this money amount came from.

When I walked up the steps and opened the door, I didn't see Meredith. I kept walking around until I had found her in her bed room.

"Meredith, what is this about?" I questioned holding up the now crumpled piece of paper. Meredith stormed over to me, and snatched the paper out of my hands.

"Why do you always have to be such a sneaky little brat? You have no right to be going through my stuff. God, you're such a pest!" Nostrils flaring and bad breath fanning my face, she slapped me.

"Meredith! How dare you touch me? You where the one who gave me this piece of paper!" I rubbed my face and yelled back.

Her face softened, but of course, no apology.

"It is just a guy I met and that is his address."

"And the money amount?"

"It's the damn amount of money he gets a year with his job. He just got to talking about his job, and I told him that I was looking and trying to get a new job."

"And what is this job he professes in Meredith?"

"A Lawyer."

I held in my laughter and just left the room. She could not be serious? She was a high school drop out and never held one serious job in her life. As of right now she was working at a movie theater and only got the job because she slept with the owner of it.

She was lying, I knew that for a fact. She was acting too nice about it, and who the hell would tell someone the amount of money they make a year, that is just not first date small talk.

I wasn't in the mood to get in a brawl with her, so I let it go. I also didn't want to have to walk all the way back to the grocery store, so I silently went back to my room and sat down with "To Kill a Mockingbird".

It's the book we are reading in school right now and I find it oddly enticing.

I am definitely what you would call an over achiever. I'm always trying to get the highest grades in the class and always trying to get into the best classes I could. School was my only escape from the real world. When I was studying or reading a book, I could forget about all my problems and just sink into what I was learning. That's why I love writing so much. I could be who I wanted to be and do what I wanted to do.

You would think that school has a lot to do with the amount of stress I have on my self. However, in reality school is the last thing I worry about. I have always got and understood everything in school, it all  clicks in my head when the teacher puts it on the board.

You also might be curious of my social life. You're probably thinking that I don't have a social life at all, when in reality, I do have a small group of good friends.

I was never bullied at school because I never gave anyone a reason to do so. My motto is, "if you don't want the whole world to know, don't tell anyone." That's why I am only so private with the things I tell my friends. Pretty sure that the most scandalous thing I have told them was that I cheated on a test in second grade. I know, living life on edge.

Of course there are clicks in my school, I don't really fall with anyone of them though. The group I hang out with is people from all over the school, we don't really fit one brand, but we do fit each others personalities.

I don't really have any "loves" at the moment. However, I do remember in third grade I swore I was in love with this kid names Tyler Thompson. He gave me his other half of his bubble gum stick.

When I was tired of reading a chapter in a text book, I decided to go to bed. It had been a long day and tomorrow was only Wednesday, so I had a long week ahead of me, I needed the rest.

I got all of my homework and things together in my backpack for our B day tomorrow and set my bag near my door. I then proceeded walking to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and face. When I was all done changing and brushing my hair, I climbed up my bed and got comfortable.

Closing my eyes, I went into my hope of a reality.

Hello everybody! Thank you for reading the first official chapter of my new book (Not quite sure what to call it yet). This chapter might have been a tad short, but hopefully longer chapters will come soon.

I'm a pretty laid back person, so go ahead and correct any of my grammatical or spelling errors in the comments and I will try to fix them as soon as possible. Anything helps. Thanks. Bye! :)

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