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I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock going off on the other side of the room. That's how I always get myself out of bed, to go turn it off.

I climbed down from me bed and hit the "off" button with my fist. The clock read "6:30am", I groaned at how early it was. I had one hour to get ready, always plenty of time.

Opening my door and walking down to the kitchen, I decided that I would make green tea and eggs for breakfast. Eggs where my favorite. It always seemed like they kept me full for the whole four and a half hours until lunch. I wasn't really a big eater in the morning, so eggs where pretty much the only thing I could eat this early on the morning.

I got out a plain, light blue mug and put some tap water in it, shoving it in the microwave and than punching 2 and a half minutes on the timer so it would heat up. I than cracked two eggs and stirred them in a bowl. When the water was heated up, I switched the mug in the microwave. Lastly, I put the tea bag in the water a swirled it around.

When I was all done making and eating my food, I decided that it was time to get ready, with 40 minutes left. My pretty basic routine is showering, putting on a comfortable outfit, drying my hair, brushing my teeth, and putting mascara on. All of the other makeup on my face bugs the shit out of me.

When I was all done getting ready, I slipped my black knock-off vans on and grabbed my bag.

I left Meredith a note saying that I would pick up the groceries on my way back from school, and would be back before five. I made sure to pick up the actual grocery list so that I could buy the things we need.

I double checked to make sure I had everything and then walked out the door to walk to school.

I wasn't quite sure what time it was because I forgot to look on my way out, so I decided to hurry to get to school. Better early than late is what I say.

When I finally arrived at school, I realized I was early than everyone else, so to pass the time I grabbed my history book and decided to continue reading the chapter I last left off from.

I was just into a few paragraphs when I sensed someone in front of me. I moved my book down to my stomach and glanced up. It was a boy I had definitely seen before, but couldn't quite put a name on. All he was doing was looking down at me with a huge smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow to question him. When I realized he wasn't going to have the first word, I really did question him. "I'm sorry, who are you." He looked taken aback from what I had said but finally answered.

"I'm sorry, I thought everyone knew who I was. But I'm Jake... Jake Reasoner."

Ah that was this dickheads name. I knew who he was. He was a class A douche and didn't know how to keep a girlfriend for more than a week. I assured him with a slow head nod, so that he understood who I knew who he was now.

"What's your name love?" He added. I Internally and Externally cringed at the lovey dovey name. Only certain people could say that name with it sounding good, and this guy was not one of them. It sounded way to forced like he was trying to make me fawn over him. I wasn't going to. He was way too conceited. It would always have to be about him. It would never be able to be about me or the other half of him "relationship".

"I don't want to have to do with anything including you, or your so called 'mates', as you would call them. Stop trying to be Harry Styles because you're are nothing like the goddess himself." As soon as the words left my mouth, I kind of felt bad. But, i had to keep my priorities straight. He was the devil himself, i couldn't have anything to do with him.

His jawline was so sharp though....

NO! Randi, shut up. Stop thinking of his amazing jawline.

When i was finally done arguing with myself, I acknowledged his face expression. He looked hurt. I needed to apologize. I couldn't take the guilt from another human beings inner hurt.

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