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It was now the next day and I was all ready for school. I had on my new white converse, jeans that are too baggy and a big flannel. All of my clothes where from goodwill (besides my new shoes). I don't mind though. They have some pretty rad stuff.

When I had ate and read, I decided to get going to school. It was pretty rainy so I decided to use an umbrella.

I was NOT going to ruin my shoes the day after I had got them.

I had nothing to do whilst I was walking to school, so I decided to ponder whether I should apply for the job or not.

I would love to take the job. I mean, I would have a little extra money, if Meredith didn't find it. I would be able to maybe be a little more stylish, that would always be nice. I could get a little more confidence that way. Also, it would be a nice first job experience. Going into the real world when I'm 18 with no experience is not smart. Also, on top of all that, I could save up for college. If I didn't get a scholarship to my dream college, I would at least have a little back up money for a small community college.

It was 100% clear that taking the job would mean more positives than negatives. Meredith wouldn't know I had a job if I just told her I was apart of an after school club or something. The extra money could also go into my shoe box.

I had made up my mind. I was going to apply to this job before it was too late. Not right now of course, but straight after school I will fill out the paper and return it to Hanks.

Name of the store by the way (Hanks).

I had finally made it to school, and just my luck I was right on time.

Walking up to my friends group, I had tripped and almost fell into a mud puddle. However, I rescued my self and redeemed my balance. I played the error off smoothly and pretended that I had intended to do that. Everyone single one of my friends say, even a few people that were surrounded around me.

Walking over to the gang with my head down with embarrassment, I gave them all the finger when they continued to laugh at my stumble.

"Thanks pals, you all know how to make me feel good about myself." I chuckle shyly. They all patted my back reassuring and went back to their conversations.

With nothing and no one to talk to, I looked around where we were standing and who was around us. I saw the stoner group, with all of them pushing each other around. Than there was the news station crew. They always had the latest gossip. Finally, I saw the jocks group. One pair of eyes caught mine for just a moment. Green piercing eyes, looking almost straight through me.


I mean, Jake's eyes.

Damn. Need to work on remembering names. You would think I would know, he is in my economics class after all and always gets called to answer a question.

Jakes hair was chocolate brown, curly hair that was almost slicked back. He pulled it off so well. Trailing down his body I discovered he was wearing a grey and white baseball tee with kakis and Nike shoes with long socks.

Aka what every guy wear in that group. Some how, some way, he made it look the best. He was hot, I got to admit.

Jake's eyes caught mine once more, and he gave me a small smile when he noticed I was starring at him. When he got my confused my look, he quickly regained his cool and went back to talking with his friends.

I was confused because he actually gave me a smile. Like, a real life, human smile. Not a douche-like smirk.

I had heard the bell rang and scattered to my 1st period class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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